Thursday, July 23, 2009


Subject: Breast Cancer Statistics
Date: Wednesday, July 22, 2009, 3:09 PM

So you are saying that all the women who died of breast cancer could have cured themselves by changing their thinking.


Yes. I wonder if the book Metamedicine is available in English. Anyhow, most forms of "cancer" are really signs of improvement after a (long) period of conflict. Cutting them off, heavy chemical treatment and irradiation make people very sick and great fear + hopelessness is what really killing those women. Their bodies get very weak and toxic and they just give up, can't fight the fear etc.
I'm sorry for the poor wording, I'm having a little hangover LOL, can't concentrate at the moment.

As for me, I found a lump in my breast at the end of 2005. I did nothing. It didn't change. I was quite sure on my own (without reading any material etc) that unless I know for sure what I decide to do about it I would do nothing, just forget about it and see. So now, in June, if I rememebr right, maybe in May, the lump rapidly got bigger (about the size of an egg) and started hurting. I had just a few month ago started to change my thinking and attitude towards life etc. It really is hard to talk about those things as there are no correct words and terms to talk about spiritual stuff. I knew I had to release my wrong attitude, let go my resentment and my demands towards life/world/all the people I thought "owed" me this and that... (I'm rambling! I know, very bad LOL) Well anyway, I remember you were a key-person at that time, you helped me to release all that shit just by being there, and all of a sudden I was so happy and I went to the sea and walked in joy and rejoyced - no, I'm not an idiot, I just don't know English LOL
Well, the next day the lump was gone. Totally gone. no pain either. One big dark blue vessel is still there but it doesn't matter, it won't feed my "misery" anymore, I cut it off.

Later on I happened upon the book Metamedicine and it was a pleasure to read it (mostly women who had had a breast cancer tell their stories there) - I could relate very closely to everything there. Btw, they say cancer in the left breast is the sign of a conflict with female relatives (often mother) and/or losing home - I had lump in my left breast and I had thought it's because of my conflict with men, but then I realized it was my inability to forgive my mother for my sad childhood, not getting divorced, holding up to this stupid house my father owned and so on, and it was also my grief about losing my home which I couldn't let go. Conflicts with men create lumps/cancer in the right breast and I have had no problems with my right breast.

As for arthritis - it is always a sing of riGid creed (belief). It's usually old people's condition. They think they know it all and are not willing to reconsider anything or change anything. I suppose it's very comfortable to have a "ready" textbook for everything in life. It's hard to change your thinking when you are old...
Hands (wrists, arms) are means of giving and receiving. Usually it is interpreted that the left hand is receiving hand and the right hand is giving hand (can be and probably is on the contrary when the person is left-handed). I personally think that you have lost your ability to receive and by getting your wrist operated on and taking medicine to soothe the pain you now have no reason to change. But that doesn't make your problems go away, you just don't have to work on them right now. But it's possible that you will get bigger problems (physically) later on. Especially hormones aren't things that I personally would mess with, they are way too important for our bodies. Remember, I gave up my medicine for my thyroid gland and I'm doing fine now. Instead of taking medicine (my doc said I would have to take them for the rest of my life!!!) and getting my thyroid gland operated on (thus making the process irreversible) I started working on my attitude.

Actually it's very simple - whatever we are here for (and the "MEANING" of life was always so very important to me!!!) - we can make it really simple and say that we are TO BE HAPPY AND IF POSSIBLE TO MAKE OTHERS HAPPY AS WELL. Actually we ARE making others happy just by being happy. We simply add to the GREATER GOOD and that's somthing that everybody can do, no matter what their "facts of life" are. I realized that I had been carrying a very heavy baggage with me through my whole life - the discontentment with the world, - my parents, my conditions, my late husband, my fucked up personality and so on and on. I realized that nothing stops me of getting it off of my back and just leave it there and go on with my hands in my pockets and whistle on my lips. It sounds easy, but strangely enough it can be tricky... because - WHO ARE WE WITHOUT OUR BAGGAGES? I know the answer. Do you?

I'll add a pic to this email, it helped me a lot. It acutally made me understand why some people can be so cheerful in life while others see only sorrow. It's what you concentrate on. We all see what we want to see.

Sending you Love and Light and a hug :)


Anonymous said...


KRISTIN said...

Aitäh, anonüümne inimene :)
Oleks vägevam, kui mul poleks olnud ilge pohmell ja ma oleks suutnud ehk ladusamalt vormistada, aga oli nagu oli... Ja mu inglise keel on muidugi allpool arvestust :P