Mercury square Uranus natal sets you apart from the pack because of your different way of thinking and communicating. While you may well have a brilliant mind, your sometimes provocative ideas or eccentric manner can upset others and lead to relationship difficulties.
I will deal with the drawbacks of this aspect first which mainly revolve around how you communicate. Trouble listening can occur due to a lack of concentration or being easily distracted. This can lead to you saying the wrong thing in response to others as you did not fully understand what they said first.
The prankster in you can also lead to others being offended or insulted, and the same can result if you have an abrupt way of speaking. But at a higher level, your tendency to see the other side of things can lead to you challenging other’s ideas. This can be a good thing in general but can be seen as arrogance or teasing by others. People may come away thinking you are just out for attention by shocking them or being deliberately argumentative. It is likely, however, that you genuinely see the benefit in looking at things from all sides. The benefit being that all options on the table lead to a better discussion and better outcomes.
Your tendency toward controversy can actually be a sign that you are gifted, intelligent, and creative. You are certainly experimental and are easily excited by new or shiny things. Perhaps more discrimination or self-control is needed if you wish to maintain harmony in relationships, especially when meeting someone new. And this aspect does indicate that you experience many chance encounters and will meet a wide variety of people, from different cultural, ethnic, and philosophical backgrounds.
However, this aspect also indicates that you may change friends often, having difficulty maintaining long-term companionship. You may be subject to more than your fair share of shock and surprises in your life, while sticking plans may prove difficult. Discrimination and feeling isolated or cut off from mainstream society are other outcomes of your original way of thinking, Being labeled weird or a nerd would be all part of this. Nervous anxiety, spasms, or broken arms, and fingers are possible.
You may be particularly amused by, and drawn to novelties, and your quirky sense of humor would come in handy as a comedian. Your unorthodox and inventive way of thinking could lead to a career as a scientist, designer, engineer, inventor, or mad professor.
You would also excel in occult subjects which include science or mathematics, such as astrology and numerology. Interestingly, Mercury is the traditional ruler of astrology, and Uranus the modern. Computers and the internet would provide a healthy income, with the internet, in particular, being a great way for you to communicate and make friends. The internet limits the dissociative influence of Uranus and gives you a long time to think before making rash statements.
Mercury Square Uranus (
The square has several characteristics similar to the opposition. In both we find eccentric thought-patterns, intellectual superiority, the 'know it all' syndrome, and a changeability of mind and emotions which can both confuse and antagonize others.
The main difference with the square's influence is the dominance of the Uranian 'rebel' attitude, which will condition your social expression. Your initial reaction to most social traditions, rules, and beliefs will be a belligerent opposition, even if you hide most of this activity within your own thoughts. A 'rebel of the mind!'. There are at least two sorts of rebel those who just oppose, and those who oppose and offer radical solutions to social problems.
You are likely to have the tendency to be the 'opposer', as your ideas are often erratic and impractical, lacking in the ability to be easily applied by people in everyday life. This can be frustrating for you; but until you come to better terms with contemporary life, it may be inevitable. Part of this problem is your inability to acquiesce in social rules and accepted ways of behavior, allied to an innate resistance to authority.
You fail to see why you have to live in certain ways, acting and behaving according to a social code of conduct, or thinking within predictable and conventional parameters. You have enough of a sense of freedom to know that life does not have to be the way your parents, teachers, employers, politicians and priests tell you. So, you become an outsider. Alienation from society can vary in degree; but you may have to be careful that your tendency is not just negative in nature but possesses a positive creative ability for social change.
You may have to realize that the only person who is responsible for you is yourself! The responsibility for your choices and actions lies with you, no-one else; and it is a foolish denial of personal power to pretend otherwise, or to seek to blame society or someone else for the repercussions of your choices. Basically, what you are looking for is a personal state of freedom. The freedom to live in a world that suits you; and there can lie the problem. How to move from a restrictive world into liberation?
One approach is to transfer the energy flow from opposing 'out there' to being turned within, to experience fully the contradictions in your nature, accept them and attempt to resolve or rebalance them. Techniques from the humanistic schools of psychotherapy and creative visualization could prove useful in this act of recreation. The social rebel has to undergo an inner revolution.
Moon quincunx Uranus natal makes you an impulsive, independent and charismatic person. Some instability in your early home life taught you to be adaptable but may have caused some nervous or behavioral problems.
Your mother, in particular, was probably the most influential person in your life and perhaps your main inspiration. She may have been artistic, eccentric or stood out in some way. If your mother was supportive it is likely you developed a healthy self-image and learned to channel your nervous energy constructively.
However, if your mother was not supportive, died young or was emotionally distant, it is likely your nervous energy manifested as shyness, insecurity, rebellion, eating or sleep disorders, or problems with addiction.
Your excitable and experimental nature can lead to emotional outbursts and sudden changes of mood. But the buildup in tension can also lead to epiphanies and mystical experiences. You are innovative, humanitarian, and may become involved in social or political activism.
When you feel stressed and the nervous tension begins to build, try to find a way to channel this electric energy constructively. It could be something physical or creative. Give yourself extra time to adjust, especially when starting new projects or entering a new environment with new people. (
The mother was either a genius, a very eccentric individual, really spaced-out or totally absent. Whatever the case, the mother was just not the same as other mothers so these kids grow up feeling that they are unusually special or that they not worthy of normal parenting because they are freaks. Sometimes there is an odd mix of the two which leaves them feeling very insecure. (
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