Neptune square Ascendant: Ego losses
End of March 2010 until end of January 2012: At this time in your life your relationships with others are likely to become confused and difficult. You may encounter persons who try to dissuade you from a course of action that you have been committed to for years, with the result that you become confused about the direction of your life. The other person's intentions in this may be either good or bad.
This is not a good time to become involved in any kind of contractual or business negotiations. Even if the people whom you are dealing with are completely honest - and with this influence they may very well be dishonest - you will find it difficult to think clearly about your own goals and objectives in the negotiations. As a result you will not get what you want from the procedure.
On the metaphysical plane there is a lesson to be learned from this influence. The less involved your ego is in a situation, the more freedom you will have to do what you want. By bringing about a loss, this influence often shows us that our attachment to material objects or to certain personal relationships has prevented us from being free. So it is not usually the influence itself that causes losses or confusion, but your ego's relentless drive to maintain the game it is playing. And this may be happening at your expense, when viewed from a higher perspective. When your ego takes over in this way, you set your priorities incorrectly, and you are not likely to be successful.
The strategy with this influence is to flow through it without any particular set plan of action nor any special objective. Simply treat this time as a learning experience. If a relationship doesn't work out, ask yourself why you got into it in the first place. If you attract dishonest people or if your dishonesty has brought you trouble, ask yourself what purpose this served in your life. Often you will discover that you were trying to protect something that really wasn't worth protecting.
Uranus trine Ascendant: Transient relationships
Beginning of April 2010 until beginning of March 2011: This is a time of increased freedom in and through your personal relationships. You are able to express yourself to others in ways that have never before been possible for you. This may take the form of a new interest or hobby or a new field of study. You may be attracted to technical and scientific subjects, as well as to occult studies such as astrology.
You respond much more quickly to people around you now and generally give the impression of being more alive and willing to challenge life, and you are. You may also seem somewhat impulsive and perhaps a bit nervous, but most people will not find you upsetting.
Sudden new contacts with others may provide opportunities to branch out and do things that you have never done before. You may have a chance to travel, for example, or to take up some completely new activity. Your old way of life no longer interests you, and if someone tries to convince you to keep to your old ways, you just get bored.
New relationships may begin now that challenge you creatively, but they may not last longer than this influence, so it is well not to make any permanent commitment until later. Even though the relationships may be transient, they will have a liberating effect upon you and increase your capacity to experience life. Often the other person will act as a "guru," that is, he or she will open up spiritual dimensions that you have never experienced before. However, do not expect this person to come in standard guru clothing. It could be anyone, and very often he or she will not look at all like the conventional notion of a spiritual teacher. Enlightenment takes as many forms as there are teachers and students.
Saturn trine Saturn: Inner stability
End of October 2010 until end of July 2011: At this time you can incorporate into yourself the fruits of previous successes, look them over and appreciate them for what they were. The key idea is that you are in a position to understand your life and therefore better able to be in conscious control of it. This is not merely an intellectual understanding, it is born of experience. You have lived through certain things, and now you can proceed on the basis of that understanding.
Your business or professional life will run smoothly at this time. Employers and superiors appreciate your calm, controlled way of handling your work, and they can see the results of your past experience. Relationships, which reflect what you are, are also more stable at this time because of your own inner stability.
Your outlook on life has also reached a point of equilibrium. You have a good understanding of how you look at life, and it works well enough that you may not question it very much. The problem is that this is not a time of testing, so you don't know how well your ideas will stand up to future crisis. You only know how well they withstood past tests. But the future is always different, and what happens in the future depends upon what is true at that time. Therefore you must keep your mind open and flexible. You only know what you know, and that is not everything. Continue to examine yourself and see what could be improved. Even if your life is satisfactory now, it may not always be.
Saturn opposition Mars: The middle way
Beginning of November 2010 until mid August 2011: This can be an extremely challenging period, because you feel that everything you try to do is blocked by circumstances or opposed by others. You may feel angry, but you have no obvious outlet for your anger, so you are left boiling over inside and seething with frustration. And there is no doubt that your actions are very closely circumscribed at this time. People who are important in directing your life - parents, employers, officials - may be a serious source of trouble at this time.
You may feel tempted to lash out against the forces that seem to be conspiring against you, but this is probably not a good idea. They will probably prove too strong for you. Instead of rebelling and fighting, it would be better to wait and in the meantime find some outlet for your pent-up energy. Hard work, physical activity, and concentrated effort will help dispel the energy build-up that may accompany this influence. However, take reasonable precautions in whatever you do along these lines.
It is not a good idea simply to hold in your feelings, even though it seems futile to let them out. The stored-up energy within you provokes responses from others and from your environment in very subtle ways, which can lead to even greater problems. You can conceivably become the victim of your own violent feelings, and this can happen in very subtle, unconscious ways. So you have to find the middle road between lashing out violently and holding all your anger in.
Pluto trine Pluto: Up to you
Beginning of February 2011 until beginning of December 2012: This is a period of stability, in which very deep and perseverant energies lend themselves to you. Whether you make use of them or not is completely up to you. However, if you do decide to use them, there will be potential for inner growth. From this position you can gain deep insights into the functioning of your psyche which might have shocked you at other times.
You get more interested into the deep questions about change and metamorphosis, death, birth and regeneration. You will decline any explanation that doesn't truly touch the heart of the matter. However, you could show this very attitude also towards less profound issues.
Jupiter conjunction IC: Your inward needs
10 February 2011 until 19 February 2011: This is a time for expansion and growth in your innermost personal life, a time when you will seek security at home and with your immediate family. It may be necessary to reexamine your past life to find out what it can teach you about yourself. But this should not be a source of anxiety. In fact, you should feel quite good about what you learn at this time. Your parents may be able to assist you considerably in this process.
The symbolism of this influence is that you incorporate more and more of the outer world into your innermost life. On the material level, you may buy a larger, more elegant or more spacious home. Certainly it would be a good expression of this symbolism to improve your existing home and make it more comfortable.
At this time you should do everything to ensure that your personal life is as comfortable and secure as possible. You need to have a feeling of inner peace and security in order to continue to move out in the world. In fact you should not think so much about outward success now as about the more personal and inward needs that we have discussed here. And you should realize that your real need now is not land or a larger home, but a feeling of strength and inner growth.
This is the time to tie up any loose ends in your personal life, straighten out any relationships that are not working well, any leftovers from your past life that are still affecting the present adversely. To do this you may have to speak to others very openly about yourself and your innermost thoughts.
So this is a good time to settle and put down roots. The feeling of belonging to a place and a group of people is very important to you now. You don't have to do this in a way that limits your freedom of movement, and during this time it is very unlikely that you will do so. But everyone needs a solid home base so that they can feel at peace in their other activities. If you don't make an effort to construct such a base now, you will have difficulty later when your principal concerns are turning elsewhere.
Short Report - Forecast December 2010 to May 2011for Kristin Tehvan (female)
born on 5 May 1962 local time 10:45 pm
in Tallinn, EE U.T. 19:45
24e45, 59n25 sid. time 12:16:47
Planetary positionsplanet sign degree motion
Sun Taurus 14°49'19 in house 5 direct
Moon Gemini 6°46'18 in house 7 direct
Mercury Gemini 4°07'39 in house 7 direct
Venus Gemini 9°03'37 in house 7 direct
Mars Aries 12°26'01 in house 4 direct
Jupiter Pisces 7°48'20 in house 3 direct
Saturn Aquarius 11°11'12 in house 2 direct
Uranus Leo 26°23'41 in house 9 stationary (D)
Neptune Scorpio 12°03'02 in house 11 retrograde
Pluto Virgo 7°34'02 in house 9 retrograde
True Node Leo 13°09'49 in house 8 retrograde
House positions (Placidus)Ascendant Scorpio 28°42'56
2nd House Capricorn 2°33'02
3rd House Aquarius 23°50'18
Imum Coeli Aries 4°34'19
5th House Aries 29°39'05
6th House Taurus 16°18'09
Descendant Taurus 28°42'56
8th House Cancer 2°33'02
9th House Leo 23°50'18
Medium Coeli Libra 4°34'19
11th House Libra 29°39'05
12th House Scorpio 16°18'09
TransitsNeptune square Ascendant End of March 2010 until end of January 2012
Uranus trine Ascendant Beginning of April 2010 until beginning of March 2011
Saturn trine Saturn End of October 2010 until end of July 2011
Saturn opposition Mars Beginning of November 2010 until mid August 2011
Pluto trine Pluto Beginning of February 2011 until beginning of December 2012
Jupiter conjunction IC
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
... tulevad ja kaovad... Ka need, kes on alati olnud ja nagu ei saaks kunagi kaduda.
"Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
24. 10. 2010, pühapäev
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
23. psalm

The LORD Is My Shepherd | |||||
| |||||
1 | The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. | ||||
2 | He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
| ||||
3 | He restoreth my soul:
| ||||
4 | Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
| ||||
5 | Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:
| ||||
6 | Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Out of your mind ***
Valid during many months: This influence represents an enormous revolution in your consciousness, as you are exposed to aspects of life that you never dreamed possible. These might include any of the following: the occult or metaphysics; astrology; magic; altered states of consciousness, perhaps through drugs or meditation; or groups whose ideas are extremely idealistic and radical.
What is actually happening is that tremendous new understandings are asserting themselves in your life with such force that they seem to upset all your past ways of thinking. However, this is only a problem of perspective. At this time you are in the middle of these changes and cannot see the relationship between your new consciousness and your old. But they are related, which you will come to understand as the immediate impact of this influence begins to pass.
This is a period of tremendous psychological insights and change, but not much stability. Therefore keep your situation fluid enough that you can make changes as necessary. Do not try to build permanent structures at this time, because you will have to change them again and again. It should be noted, however, that the primary effects of this influence occur at the psychological level.
Possibly you will respond to this influence with confusion, doubt and uncertainty. Let it be, and wait for the situation to settle down. Try to minimize the elements of your life that require you to make long-range commitments, because your changing consciousness will make it difficult to continue such a commitment. If old goals lose their meaning, that is what must be. Be patient, and new goals will enter your life that will better fit your new state of mind.
Others may think you have gone out of your mind because of what you do and see at this time, but do not be concerned. This revolution in ideas and consciousness is a fundamental part of your life, and it must be allowed to pursue its own course.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Neptune Opposition Uranus, ,
activity period from end of March 2009 until end of January 2011
Valid during many months: This influence represents an enormous revolution in your consciousness, as you are exposed to aspects of life that you never dreamed possible. These might include any of the following: the occult or metaphysics; astrology; magic; altered states of consciousness, perhaps through drugs or meditation; or groups whose ideas are extremely idealistic and radical.
What is actually happening is that tremendous new understandings are asserting themselves in your life with such force that they seem to upset all your past ways of thinking. However, this is only a problem of perspective. At this time you are in the middle of these changes and cannot see the relationship between your new consciousness and your old. But they are related, which you will come to understand as the immediate impact of this influence begins to pass.
This is a period of tremendous psychological insights and change, but not much stability. Therefore keep your situation fluid enough that you can make changes as necessary. Do not try to build permanent structures at this time, because you will have to change them again and again. It should be noted, however, that the primary effects of this influence occur at the psychological level.
Possibly you will respond to this influence with confusion, doubt and uncertainty. Let it be, and wait for the situation to settle down. Try to minimize the elements of your life that require you to make long-range commitments, because your changing consciousness will make it difficult to continue such a commitment. If old goals lose their meaning, that is what must be. Be patient, and new goals will enter your life that will better fit your new state of mind.
Others may think you have gone out of your mind because of what you do and see at this time, but do not be concerned. This revolution in ideas and consciousness is a fundamental part of your life, and it must be allowed to pursue its own course.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Neptune Opposition Uranus, ,
activity period from end of March 2009 until end of January 2011
The middle way ***
Valid during many months: This can be an extremely challenging period, because you feel that everything you try to do is blocked by circumstances or opposed by others. You may feel angry, but you have no obvious outlet for your anger, so you are left boiling over inside and seething with frustration. And there is no doubt that your actions are very closely circumscribed at this time. People who are important in directing your life - parents, employers, officials - may be a serious source of trouble at this time.
You may feel tempted to lash out against the forces that seem to be conspiring against you, but this is probably not a good idea. They will probably prove too strong for you. Instead of rebelling and fighting, it would be better to wait and in the meantime find some outlet for your pent- up energy. Hard work, physical activity, and concentrated effort will help dispel the energy build-up that may accompany this influence. However, take reasonable precautions in whatever you do along these lines.
It is not a good idea simply to hold in your feelings, even though it seems futile to let them out. The stored-up energy within you provokes responses from others and from your environment in very subtle ways, which can lead to even greater problems. You can conceivably become the victim of your own violent feelings, and this can happen in very subtle, unconscious ways. So you have to find the middle road between lashing out violently and holding all your anger in.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Saturn Opposition Mars, ,
activity period from end of October 2010 until middle of August 2011
Valid during many months: This can be an extremely challenging period, because you feel that everything you try to do is blocked by circumstances or opposed by others. You may feel angry, but you have no obvious outlet for your anger, so you are left boiling over inside and seething with frustration. And there is no doubt that your actions are very closely circumscribed at this time. People who are important in directing your life - parents, employers, officials - may be a serious source of trouble at this time.
You may feel tempted to lash out against the forces that seem to be conspiring against you, but this is probably not a good idea. They will probably prove too strong for you. Instead of rebelling and fighting, it would be better to wait and in the meantime find some outlet for your pent- up energy. Hard work, physical activity, and concentrated effort will help dispel the energy build-up that may accompany this influence. However, take reasonable precautions in whatever you do along these lines.
It is not a good idea simply to hold in your feelings, even though it seems futile to let them out. The stored-up energy within you provokes responses from others and from your environment in very subtle ways, which can lead to even greater problems. You can conceivably become the victim of your own violent feelings, and this can happen in very subtle, unconscious ways. So you have to find the middle road between lashing out violently and holding all your anger in.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Saturn Opposition Mars, ,
activity period from end of October 2010 until middle of August 2011
Soap bubbles ***
Valid during many months: You will now have to reckon with a critical time, during which some of your future visions turn out to be no more than soap bubbles. A series of disturbing events might show you that you are not as free as you might have believed. Nobody can avoid getting swept up in the daily life of the collective. We are all subject to the continuous bombardment of distressing news, and a powerful advertizing industry strongly influences our buying habits. Your increasing sensitivity makes you more aware of the influence these things have on your private life, and you may feel increasingly under threat from such powerful external forces. This realization makes some people very uneasy. Many influences of their lives -whether private or public - can suddenly seem unreal or hypocritical. They start to question whose truth they are actually living, leading them to seek better ways of expressing their own authentic individuality. Many feel the need to get rid of all obligations and restrictions in one fell swoop.
Level-headedness and consideration for others are probably not your strongest points at the moment, which could lead others to accuse you of behaving like a stroppy adolescent. You benefit most from this influence if you can resist the temptation to be overcritical of the circumstances in your life, which will help you to be more tolerant of your own behavior. Do not allow yourself to become embroiled in an ill-tempered feud with those who might unconsciously resent the fact that you are not functioning "normally". This is also a good time to work together with your partner to make constructive changes in your relationship which will benefit both of you.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Chiron Opposition Uranus, ,
activity period from end of April 2009 until end of December 2010
Valid during many months: You will now have to reckon with a critical time, during which some of your future visions turn out to be no more than soap bubbles. A series of disturbing events might show you that you are not as free as you might have believed. Nobody can avoid getting swept up in the daily life of the collective. We are all subject to the continuous bombardment of distressing news, and a powerful advertizing industry strongly influences our buying habits. Your increasing sensitivity makes you more aware of the influence these things have on your private life, and you may feel increasingly under threat from such powerful external forces. This realization makes some people very uneasy. Many influences of their lives -whether private or public - can suddenly seem unreal or hypocritical. They start to question whose truth they are actually living, leading them to seek better ways of expressing their own authentic individuality. Many feel the need to get rid of all obligations and restrictions in one fell swoop.
Level-headedness and consideration for others are probably not your strongest points at the moment, which could lead others to accuse you of behaving like a stroppy adolescent. You benefit most from this influence if you can resist the temptation to be overcritical of the circumstances in your life, which will help you to be more tolerant of your own behavior. Do not allow yourself to become embroiled in an ill-tempered feud with those who might unconsciously resent the fact that you are not functioning "normally". This is also a good time to work together with your partner to make constructive changes in your relationship which will benefit both of you.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Chiron Opposition Uranus, ,
activity period from end of April 2009 until end of December 2010
Saturday, September 4, 2010
25 things that are extremely important in my life
1) Ground
2) Air
3) Water
4) Sky
5) Sun
6) Fire
7) Rain
8) Grass
9) Trees
10) Birds and animals
11) Water bodies
12) Warmth
13) Roof over me
14) Walls
15) Bed
16) Privacy
17) Something to eat
18) Something to wear
19) Cigarettes
20) Coffee
21) Alcohol
22) My kids living longer than I
23) My grandkids living longer than I
24) Kids and grandkids being happy
25) Love
2) Air
3) Water
4) Sky
5) Sun
6) Fire
7) Rain
8) Grass
9) Trees
10) Birds and animals
11) Water bodies
12) Warmth
13) Roof over me
14) Walls
15) Bed
16) Privacy
17) Something to eat
18) Something to wear
19) Cigarettes
20) Coffee
21) Alcohol
22) My kids living longer than I
23) My grandkids living longer than I
24) Kids and grandkids being happy
25) Love
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
No näed - here we go again! Kõik enam-vähem ühel ajal ka ;))
Saturn opposition Mars: The middle way
Beginning of November 2010 until mid August 2011: This can be an extremely challenging period, because you feel that everything you try to do is blocked by circumstances or opposed by others. You may feel angry, but you have no obvious outlet for your anger, so you are left boiling over inside and seething with frustration. And there is no doubt that your actions are very closely circumscribed at this time. People who are important in directing your life - parents, employers, officials - may be a serious source of trouble at this time.
You may feel tempted to lash out against the forces that seem to be conspiring against you, but this is probably not a good idea. They will probably prove too strong for you. Instead of rebelling and fighting, it would be better to wait and in the meantime find some outlet for your pent-up energy. Hard work, physical activity, and concentrated effort will help dispel the energy build-up that may accompany this influence. However, take reasonable precautions in whatever you do along these lines.
It is not a good idea simply to hold in your feelings, even though it seems futile to let them out. The stored-up energy within you provokes responses from others and from your environment in very subtle ways, which can lead to even greater problems. You can conceivably become the victim of your own violent feelings, and this can happen in very subtle, unconscious ways. So you have to find the middle road between lashing out violently and holding all your anger in.
Beginning of November 2010 until mid August 2011: This can be an extremely challenging period, because you feel that everything you try to do is blocked by circumstances or opposed by others. You may feel angry, but you have no obvious outlet for your anger, so you are left boiling over inside and seething with frustration. And there is no doubt that your actions are very closely circumscribed at this time. People who are important in directing your life - parents, employers, officials - may be a serious source of trouble at this time.
You may feel tempted to lash out against the forces that seem to be conspiring against you, but this is probably not a good idea. They will probably prove too strong for you. Instead of rebelling and fighting, it would be better to wait and in the meantime find some outlet for your pent-up energy. Hard work, physical activity, and concentrated effort will help dispel the energy build-up that may accompany this influence. However, take reasonable precautions in whatever you do along these lines.
It is not a good idea simply to hold in your feelings, even though it seems futile to let them out. The stored-up energy within you provokes responses from others and from your environment in very subtle ways, which can lead to even greater problems. You can conceivably become the victim of your own violent feelings, and this can happen in very subtle, unconscious ways. So you have to find the middle road between lashing out violently and holding all your anger in.
Ohhh, ei jõua ära oodata!!!
Saturn trine Saturn: Inner stability
End of October 2010 until end of July 2011: At this time you can incorporate into yourself the fruits of previous successes, look them over and appreciate them for what they were. The key idea is that you are in a position to understand your life and therefore better able to be in conscious control of it. This is not merely an intellectual understanding, it is born of experience. You have lived through certain things, and now you can proceed on the basis of that understanding.
Your business or professional life will run smoothly at this time. Employers and superiors appreciate your calm, controlled way of handling your work, and they can see the results of your past experience. Relationships, which reflect what you are, are also more stable at this time because of your own inner stability.
Your outlook on life has also reached a point of equilibrium. You have a good understanding of how you look at life, and it works well enough that you may not question it very much. The problem is that this is not a time of testing, so you don't know how well your ideas will stand up to future crisis. You only know how well they withstood past tests. But the future is always different, and what happens in the future depends upon what is true at that time. Therefore you must keep your mind open and flexible. You only know what you know, and that is not everything. Continue to examine yourself and see what could be improved. Even if your life is satisfactory now, it may not always be.
End of October 2010 until end of July 2011: At this time you can incorporate into yourself the fruits of previous successes, look them over and appreciate them for what they were. The key idea is that you are in a position to understand your life and therefore better able to be in conscious control of it. This is not merely an intellectual understanding, it is born of experience. You have lived through certain things, and now you can proceed on the basis of that understanding.
Your business or professional life will run smoothly at this time. Employers and superiors appreciate your calm, controlled way of handling your work, and they can see the results of your past experience. Relationships, which reflect what you are, are also more stable at this time because of your own inner stability.
Your outlook on life has also reached a point of equilibrium. You have a good understanding of how you look at life, and it works well enough that you may not question it very much. The problem is that this is not a time of testing, so you don't know how well your ideas will stand up to future crisis. You only know how well they withstood past tests. But the future is always different, and what happens in the future depends upon what is true at that time. Therefore you must keep your mind open and flexible. You only know what you know, and that is not everything. Continue to examine yourself and see what could be improved. Even if your life is satisfactory now, it may not always be.
A difficult task
Valid during many months: This very difficult influence could indicate a crisis triggered by a conflict between your own interests and those of people around you. You may be bottling up feelings of rage and resentment, feeling that a harmonious everyday life is only achievable by making lazy compromises. Sparks may fly in personal relationships, and the atmosphere at work may be generally poor.
It could be difficult, if not impossible, to find a compromise between your own needs and the demands of others. Under this influence you are aware that certain ways of behavior that are necessary for getting along with others are often incompatible with your own feelings. This recognition will give rise to strong and conflicting emotions, but you should nevertheless be careful not to sacrifice your own unique personality for the sake of a peaceful and quiet life, which you will be neither able nor willing to maintain in the long run.
Instead try allowing the angry and resentful child inside you to let off steam. You are more likely to benefit from this aspect if you can understand that your inner turbulence is not due to friends or colleagues, but is a healthy and vital expression of long-repressed emotion that has remained bottled up since your childhood. You are now required to pay more attention to some of the more fundamental aspects of your personality, and to drop the masks you have taken to wearing for the sake of a harmonious life.
Transit selected for today (by user):Chiron Square Ascendant, , activity period from beginning of March 2010 until beginning of February 2011
Valid during many months: This very difficult influence could indicate a crisis triggered by a conflict between your own interests and those of people around you. You may be bottling up feelings of rage and resentment, feeling that a harmonious everyday life is only achievable by making lazy compromises. Sparks may fly in personal relationships, and the atmosphere at work may be generally poor.
It could be difficult, if not impossible, to find a compromise between your own needs and the demands of others. Under this influence you are aware that certain ways of behavior that are necessary for getting along with others are often incompatible with your own feelings. This recognition will give rise to strong and conflicting emotions, but you should nevertheless be careful not to sacrifice your own unique personality for the sake of a peaceful and quiet life, which you will be neither able nor willing to maintain in the long run.
Instead try allowing the angry and resentful child inside you to let off steam. You are more likely to benefit from this aspect if you can understand that your inner turbulence is not due to friends or colleagues, but is a healthy and vital expression of long-repressed emotion that has remained bottled up since your childhood. You are now required to pay more attention to some of the more fundamental aspects of your personality, and to drop the masks you have taken to wearing for the sake of a harmonious life.
Transit selected for today (by user):Chiron Square Ascendant, , activity period from beginning of March 2010 until beginning of February 2011
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Wednesday, March 31, 2010
MÄRTS 2010 - VEEBR. 2011
A difficult task
Valid during many months: This very difficult influence could indicate a crisis triggered by a conflict between your own interests and those of people around you. You may be bottling up feelings of rage and resentment, feeling that a harmonious everyday life is only achievable by making lazy compromises. Sparks may fly in personal relationships, and the atmosphere at work may be generally poor.
It could be difficult, if not impossible, to find a compromise between your own needs and the demands of others. Under this influence you are aware that certain ways of behavior that are necessary for getting along with others are often incompatible with your own feelings. This recognition will give rise to strong and conflicting emotions, but you should nevertheless be careful not to sacrifice your own unique personality for the sake of a peaceful and quiet life, which you will be neither able nor willing to maintain in the long run.
Instead try allowing the angry and resentful child inside you to let off steam. You are more likely to benefit from this aspect if you can understand that your inner turbulence is not due to friends or colleagues, but is a healthy and vital expression of long-repressed emotion that has remained bottled up since your childhood. You are now required to pay more attention to some of the more fundamental aspects of your personality, and to drop the masks you have taken to wearing for the sake of a harmonious life.
Transit selected for today (by user):Chiron Square Ascendant, , activity period from beginning of March 2010 until beginning of February 2011
A difficult task
Valid during many months: This very difficult influence could indicate a crisis triggered by a conflict between your own interests and those of people around you. You may be bottling up feelings of rage and resentment, feeling that a harmonious everyday life is only achievable by making lazy compromises. Sparks may fly in personal relationships, and the atmosphere at work may be generally poor.
It could be difficult, if not impossible, to find a compromise between your own needs and the demands of others. Under this influence you are aware that certain ways of behavior that are necessary for getting along with others are often incompatible with your own feelings. This recognition will give rise to strong and conflicting emotions, but you should nevertheless be careful not to sacrifice your own unique personality for the sake of a peaceful and quiet life, which you will be neither able nor willing to maintain in the long run.
Instead try allowing the angry and resentful child inside you to let off steam. You are more likely to benefit from this aspect if you can understand that your inner turbulence is not due to friends or colleagues, but is a healthy and vital expression of long-repressed emotion that has remained bottled up since your childhood. You are now required to pay more attention to some of the more fundamental aspects of your personality, and to drop the masks you have taken to wearing for the sake of a harmonious life.
Transit selected for today (by user):Chiron Square Ascendant, , activity period from beginning of March 2010 until beginning of February 2011
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Pluto kvadr. MC, jaan.2010 - nov.2011
Out of proportion ***
Valid during many months: At this time you have to be careful not to let your actions stir up resistance from others. Try to avoid acting in ways that say that you are out to change people's lives and habits and that you will not compromise at all. Without even being aware of it, you may become obsessed by achieving certain objectives with an energy out of all proportion to the significance of your goal. This is what scares people and may make them work against you.
On the other hand you may experience this kind of energy from others. Persons or circumstances may attempt to change you against your will. To a certain extent this is a positive encounter, because it forces you to become very conscious of what you are doing so that you can defend yourself against the pressures for change. And indeed it is inevitable that you will change, but the changes can be for the good, if you don't waste all your energies trying to fight them.
Your domestic life is particularly likely to change in some regard. Any tensions in your marital and family life will surface at this time, and you will have to do something about them. Do not hope that they will go away, because they won't. But you do have the opportunity to create a whole new relationship out of your present one, if your are willing to face the challenge. Sometimes these pressures for change are manifested externally. You may suddenly need repairs on your house, or appliances may suddenly break down, and as a result the physical health of either you or your family may suffer. This is also a sign that changes are needed, so you should look very intensely for the cause of the difficulty. Perhaps you need to move. Sometimes this influence coincides with a change of residence, which enables you to see what to do more easily because your new surroundings reveal previously hidden problems. You need not expect catastrophe with this influence by any means, but do not shrink from the challenge of change. Only in this way can you keep your life vigorous and challenging.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Pluto Square Med.Coeli, ,
activity period from beginning of January 2010 until beginning of November 2011
Valid during many months: At this time you have to be careful not to let your actions stir up resistance from others. Try to avoid acting in ways that say that you are out to change people's lives and habits and that you will not compromise at all. Without even being aware of it, you may become obsessed by achieving certain objectives with an energy out of all proportion to the significance of your goal. This is what scares people and may make them work against you.
On the other hand you may experience this kind of energy from others. Persons or circumstances may attempt to change you against your will. To a certain extent this is a positive encounter, because it forces you to become very conscious of what you are doing so that you can defend yourself against the pressures for change. And indeed it is inevitable that you will change, but the changes can be for the good, if you don't waste all your energies trying to fight them.
Your domestic life is particularly likely to change in some regard. Any tensions in your marital and family life will surface at this time, and you will have to do something about them. Do not hope that they will go away, because they won't. But you do have the opportunity to create a whole new relationship out of your present one, if your are willing to face the challenge. Sometimes these pressures for change are manifested externally. You may suddenly need repairs on your house, or appliances may suddenly break down, and as a result the physical health of either you or your family may suffer. This is also a sign that changes are needed, so you should look very intensely for the cause of the difficulty. Perhaps you need to move. Sometimes this influence coincides with a change of residence, which enables you to see what to do more easily because your new surroundings reveal previously hidden problems. You need not expect catastrophe with this influence by any means, but do not shrink from the challenge of change. Only in this way can you keep your life vigorous and challenging.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Pluto Square Med.Coeli, ,
activity period from beginning of January 2010 until beginning of November 2011
Neptun opp. Uraaniga, märts 2009 - jaan.2011
Out of your mind ***
Valid during many months: This influence represents an enormous revolution in your consciousness, as you are exposed to aspects of life that you never dreamed possible. These might include any of the following: the occult or metaphysics; astrology; magic; altered states of consciousness, perhaps through drugs or meditation; or groups whose ideas are extremely idealistic and radical.
What is actually happening is that tremendous new understandings are asserting themselves in your life with such force that they seem to upset all your past ways of thinking. However, this is only a problem of perspective. At this time you are in the middle of these changes and cannot see the relationship between your new consciousness and your old. But they are related, which you will come to understand as the immediate impact of this influence begins to pass.
This is a period of tremendous psychological insights and change, but not much stability. Therefore keep your situation fluid enough that you can make changes as necessary. Do not try to build permanent structures at this time, because you will have to change them again and again. It should be noted, however, that the primary effects of this influence occur at the psychological level.
Possibly you will respond to this influence with confusion, doubt and uncertainty. Let it be, and wait for the situation to settle down. Try to minimize the elements of your life that require you to make long-range commitments, because your changing consciousness will make it difficult to continue such a commitment. If old goals lose their meaning, that is what must be. Be patient, and new goals will enter your life that will better fit your new state of mind.
Others may think you have gone out of your mind because of what you do and see at this time, but do not be concerned. This revolution in ideas and consciousness is a fundamental part of your life, and it must be allowed to pursue its own course.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Neptune Opposition Uranus, ,
activity period from end of March 2009 until end of January 2011
Valid during many months: This influence represents an enormous revolution in your consciousness, as you are exposed to aspects of life that you never dreamed possible. These might include any of the following: the occult or metaphysics; astrology; magic; altered states of consciousness, perhaps through drugs or meditation; or groups whose ideas are extremely idealistic and radical.
What is actually happening is that tremendous new understandings are asserting themselves in your life with such force that they seem to upset all your past ways of thinking. However, this is only a problem of perspective. At this time you are in the middle of these changes and cannot see the relationship between your new consciousness and your old. But they are related, which you will come to understand as the immediate impact of this influence begins to pass.
This is a period of tremendous psychological insights and change, but not much stability. Therefore keep your situation fluid enough that you can make changes as necessary. Do not try to build permanent structures at this time, because you will have to change them again and again. It should be noted, however, that the primary effects of this influence occur at the psychological level.
Possibly you will respond to this influence with confusion, doubt and uncertainty. Let it be, and wait for the situation to settle down. Try to minimize the elements of your life that require you to make long-range commitments, because your changing consciousness will make it difficult to continue such a commitment. If old goals lose their meaning, that is what must be. Be patient, and new goals will enter your life that will better fit your new state of mind.
Others may think you have gone out of your mind because of what you do and see at this time, but do not be concerned. This revolution in ideas and consciousness is a fundamental part of your life, and it must be allowed to pursue its own course.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Neptune Opposition Uranus, ,
activity period from end of March 2009 until end of January 2011
Chiron opp. Uraaniga, aprill 2009 - dets.2010
Soap bubbles ***
Valid during many months: You will now have to reckon with a critical time, during which some of your future visions turn out to be no more than soap bubbles. A series of disturbing events might show you that you are not as free as you might have believed. Nobody can avoid getting swept up in the daily life of the collective. We are all subject to the continuous bombardment of distressing news, and a powerful advertizing industry strongly influences our buying habits. Your increasing sensitivity makes you more aware of the influence these things have on your private life, and you may feel increasingly under threat from such powerful external forces. This realization makes some people very uneasy. Many influences of their lives -whether private or public - can suddenly seem unreal or hypocritical. They start to question whose truth they are actually living, leading them to seek better ways of expressing their own authentic individuality. Many feel the need to get rid of all obligations and restrictions in one fell swoop.
Level-headedness and consideration for others are probably not your strongest points at the moment, which could lead others to accuse you of behaving like a stroppy adolescent. You benefit most from this influence if you can resist the temptation to be overcritical of the circumstances in your life, which will help you to be more tolerant of your own behavior. Do not allow yourself to become embroiled in an ill-tempered feud with those who might unconsciously resent the fact that you are not functioning "normally". This is also a good time to work together with your partner to make constructive changes in your relationship which will benefit both of you.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Chiron Opposition Uranus, ,
activity period from end of April 2009 until end of December 2010
Valid during many months: You will now have to reckon with a critical time, during which some of your future visions turn out to be no more than soap bubbles. A series of disturbing events might show you that you are not as free as you might have believed. Nobody can avoid getting swept up in the daily life of the collective. We are all subject to the continuous bombardment of distressing news, and a powerful advertizing industry strongly influences our buying habits. Your increasing sensitivity makes you more aware of the influence these things have on your private life, and you may feel increasingly under threat from such powerful external forces. This realization makes some people very uneasy. Many influences of their lives -whether private or public - can suddenly seem unreal or hypocritical. They start to question whose truth they are actually living, leading them to seek better ways of expressing their own authentic individuality. Many feel the need to get rid of all obligations and restrictions in one fell swoop.
Level-headedness and consideration for others are probably not your strongest points at the moment, which could lead others to accuse you of behaving like a stroppy adolescent. You benefit most from this influence if you can resist the temptation to be overcritical of the circumstances in your life, which will help you to be more tolerant of your own behavior. Do not allow yourself to become embroiled in an ill-tempered feud with those who might unconsciously resent the fact that you are not functioning "normally". This is also a good time to work together with your partner to make constructive changes in your relationship which will benefit both of you.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Chiron Opposition Uranus, ,
activity period from end of April 2009 until end of December 2010
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