Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Chiron opp. Uraaniga, aprill 2009 - dets.2010

Soap bubbles ***
Valid during many months: You will now have to reckon with a critical time, during which some of your future visions turn out to be no more than soap bubbles. A series of disturbing events might show you that you are not as free as you might have believed. Nobody can avoid getting swept up in the daily life of the collective. We are all subject to the continuous bombardment of distressing news, and a powerful advertizing industry strongly influences our buying habits. Your increasing sensitivity makes you more aware of the influence these things have on your private life, and you may feel increasingly under threat from such powerful external forces. This realization makes some people very uneasy. Many influences of their lives -whether private or public - can suddenly seem unreal or hypocritical. They start to question whose truth they are actually living, leading them to seek better ways of expressing their own authentic individuality. Many feel the need to get rid of all obligations and restrictions in one fell swoop.

Level-headedness and consideration for others are probably not your strongest points at the moment, which could lead others to accuse you of behaving like a stroppy adolescent. You benefit most from this influence if you can resist the temptation to be overcritical of the circumstances in your life, which will help you to be more tolerant of your own behavior. Do not allow yourself to become embroiled in an ill-tempered feud with those who might unconsciously resent the fact that you are not functioning "normally". This is also a good time to work together with your partner to make constructive changes in your relationship which will benefit both of you.

Transit selected for today (by user):
Chiron Opposition Uranus, ,
activity period from end of April 2009 until end of December 2010

1 comment:

Anonymous said...