Wednesday, March 31, 2010

MÄRTS 2010 - VEEBR. 2011


A difficult task
Valid during many months: This very difficult influence could indicate a crisis triggered by a conflict between your own interests and those of people around you. You may be bottling up feelings of rage and resentment, feeling that a harmonious everyday life is only achievable by making lazy compromises. Sparks may fly in personal relationships, and the atmosphere at work may be generally poor.
It could be difficult, if not impossible, to find a compromise between your own needs and the demands of others. Under this influence you are aware that certain ways of behavior that are necessary for getting along with others are often incompatible with your own feelings. This recognition will give rise to strong and conflicting emotions, but you should nevertheless be careful not to sacrifice your own unique personality for the sake of a peaceful and quiet life, which you will be neither able nor willing to maintain in the long run.
Instead try allowing the angry and resentful child inside you to let off steam. You are more likely to benefit from this aspect if you can understand that your inner turbulence is not due to friends or colleagues, but is a healthy and vital expression of long-repressed emotion that has remained bottled up since your childhood. You are now required to pay more attention to some of the more fundamental aspects of your personality, and to drop the masks you have taken to wearing for the sake of a harmonious life.
Transit selected for today (by user):Chiron Square Ascendant, , activity period from beginning of March 2010 until beginning of February 2011

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