Mental discipline ***
Valid during many months: During this time your mind, point of view and styles of thinking and communicating have reached a point of stability. You are quite secure in them, for you know how and what you think about most things. This is not a time of change but of preparing to use your mind. Consequently it is an excellent time for any task requiring mental discipline and hard work, such as study, schooling or learning any new mental discipline. It is not a very good time for work requiring great inspiration, intuitive insight and creativity. You will get results through hard work and scholarly methods, not through "divinely" inspired insight.
This influence favors planning and organization of various aspects of your life. You have a definite sense of order in mind, which you can make manifest in your life. This is a good time to put your ideas into practice on the material level and to carry out long-standing plans. If you have planned a project, such as building up a new business or starting a new organization, this is a good time to do it.
With this influence there is a danger that you will let your ideas and opinions become too rigid. It is important that your ideas acquire definite form and stability at this time, because in the future they will be challenged very strongly. You must be reasonably definite and sure of yourself in order to withstand the challenges. But rigidity will only make those times worse, because your thinking will have to be flexible, no matter how certain you are now that you are right.
At this time you have an unusual ability to see every intricate piece of a whole, and your position on most matters is very clear. Consequently your critical ability is greater than usual, and you can see instantly what is wrong in any situation. Just don't let this degenerate into nit-picking.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Saturn Trine Mercury, ,
activity period from 3 December 2009 until beginning of September 2010
Peak opportunities ***
Valid during many months: This is the time when all your past preparations for the future will have their most important consequences. This influence represents an important life pinnacle for you, but it also entails very important duties and responsibilities.
About fourteen years ago, you began a new cycle of personal development. During this entire period you have laid the framework for what will happen now.
As you approach this culmination of years of effort and ambition, it is very important to review just what you have been trying to achieve and how you have been going about it. The more solidly you have laid the foundations for your success, the greater your capability for achievement at this time. But if you have taken shortcuts anywhere or broken the rules of the game you are playing, you will have trouble in those areas of your life.
The areas of your life that you have prepared carefully will become tremendously productive now. Your opportunities are at a peak for achievement and for additional responsibility and power in your work and in your personal life. People will look to you for leadership, whether you want it or not.
If your preparation for this period of your life has been sloppy or full of shortcuts, or if you try to avoid its increased responsibilities, you run the risk of losing everything, even in the areas where you have prepared well and have taken responsibility.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Saturn Conjunction Med.Coeli, ,
activity period from 9 December 2009 until middle of September 2010
Transformation *
Valid during many months: Basically your ego drives will create a confrontation with something, which will force a transformation of some kind in your life. For example, you may encounter someone who has a powerful effect upon you and causes you to change. This may happen through a conflict with this person, or he or she may gain influence over you and thereby affect you strongly. In a marriage or love relationship, the two of you may disagree strongly on the management of jointly held resources. It is also quite likely that the two of you will use your joint resources, particularly money, rather foolishly and wastefully. The sum total of all of your experiences at this time will lead to either great or small ways of transforming the ways in which you assert yourself in the world.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Mars in the 8th House, 8,
activity period from end of August 2009 until end of May 2010
Friday, December 11, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
MARSI * VEENUSEGA : 3. nov 2009 - apr. lõpp 2010
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Profession and social standing
Valid during several weeks: This is a time when you should turn your attention to the most outward aspects of your life - your career, your role in the larger society and your standing and reputation within the community. You should also take this time to examine your life as a whole and see if you are going in the direction you want and making adequate progress in your life. This transit is future oriented rather than past oriented. You may have to deal with elements of your past, but only to make corrections so that you can plan more intelligently for the future. The only real danger of this transit is that if you have done something wrong or in a slipshod fashion it may be exposed now and trip you up in unpleasant ways. It would be a very good idea to look over your life and correct any situations that might give you problems in this way.
The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:Sun in the 10th House, 10, activity period from 27 September 2009 until end of October 2009
Just täpselt! Naljakas, kuidas astroloogia ikkagi näib toimivat. Mis puudutab oma elu suuna eksamineerimist, siis seda ma just teengi ja imestan pidevalt, kuidas ma kuidagi ei jõu ühessegi suunda, kuhu olen tahtnud jõuda. Ma tean, miks. Mitmesse suunda samaaegselt ei saa ju minna, samas võtab püüdlemine kõvasti energiat. Segadus võtab samuti hullusti energiat. Mul on umbes 5 erinevat suunda ja ma muudkui heitlen nende vahel. Samas, ma vähemalt üritan püsida ühes üldises suunas ja see on enda paremaks muutmine. Vahel on ka tagasilööke ja langusi ja vaikuseperioode, aga ma saan sellest üle.
Valid during several weeks: This is a time when you should turn your attention to the most outward aspects of your life - your career, your role in the larger society and your standing and reputation within the community. You should also take this time to examine your life as a whole and see if you are going in the direction you want and making adequate progress in your life. This transit is future oriented rather than past oriented. You may have to deal with elements of your past, but only to make corrections so that you can plan more intelligently for the future. The only real danger of this transit is that if you have done something wrong or in a slipshod fashion it may be exposed now and trip you up in unpleasant ways. It would be a very good idea to look over your life and correct any situations that might give you problems in this way.
The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:Sun in the 10th House, 10, activity period from 27 September 2009 until end of October 2009
Just täpselt! Naljakas, kuidas astroloogia ikkagi näib toimivat. Mis puudutab oma elu suuna eksamineerimist, siis seda ma just teengi ja imestan pidevalt, kuidas ma kuidagi ei jõu ühessegi suunda, kuhu olen tahtnud jõuda. Ma tean, miks. Mitmesse suunda samaaegselt ei saa ju minna, samas võtab püüdlemine kõvasti energiat. Segadus võtab samuti hullusti energiat. Mul on umbes 5 erinevat suunda ja ma muudkui heitlen nende vahel. Samas, ma vähemalt üritan püsida ühes üldises suunas ja see on enda paremaks muutmine. Vahel on ka tagasilööke ja langusi ja vaikuseperioode, aga ma saan sellest üle.

Kristin possesses a clear, strong and objective mind, and is on her way toward developing into a person who will always favour reason over chaos and harmony over emotional turmoil. Mental acumen is apparent in her rapid grasp of concepts, her obvious pleasure in communicating [...]
[..] Kristin also has a profound sense of what is fair and right, and will not hesitate to make her views and feelings known if she senses injustice taking place around her. She might organise other children to challenge the class bully, or might protest to the teacher about [...]
[..] She would benefit from early exposure to beauty in the form of nature and the arts, especially painting and ballet. Even if she is not old enough to absorb the intellectual content of such things she will readily respond to their beauty. Coarseness in surroundings or [...]
[..] She may also allow others to invade her boundaries and take advantage of her good nature because she prefers any company to no company at all, and she may not be able to say "No" even when her well-being depends on it. Her lively and gifted mind needs time for reflection [...]
[..] But those who can make her laugh and can share her spirit of curiosity about life will always keep her affection. Above all, words matter to Kristin, and a good flow of communication however "frivolous" or "silly" is absolutely essential for her in any important relationship. Versatile, [...]
[..] This can provide her with a sound and healthy emotional base of self-knowledge, so that she can move out into life with genuine tolerance of and compassion for the whole spectrum of human emotion. Kristin is deeply attuned to her mother's hidden emotional life, and may sense [...]
The Child's HoroscopeFree Try-Out Editionfor Kristin Tehvan, born on 5 May 1962
Text by Liz Greene, Copyright © Astrodienst AG 2009
Sounds like me, ma olen ikkagi lapseks jäänud :P
[..] Kristin also has a profound sense of what is fair and right, and will not hesitate to make her views and feelings known if she senses injustice taking place around her. She might organise other children to challenge the class bully, or might protest to the teacher about [...]
[..] She would benefit from early exposure to beauty in the form of nature and the arts, especially painting and ballet. Even if she is not old enough to absorb the intellectual content of such things she will readily respond to their beauty. Coarseness in surroundings or [...]
[..] She may also allow others to invade her boundaries and take advantage of her good nature because she prefers any company to no company at all, and she may not be able to say "No" even when her well-being depends on it. Her lively and gifted mind needs time for reflection [...]
[..] But those who can make her laugh and can share her spirit of curiosity about life will always keep her affection. Above all, words matter to Kristin, and a good flow of communication however "frivolous" or "silly" is absolutely essential for her in any important relationship. Versatile, [...]
[..] This can provide her with a sound and healthy emotional base of self-knowledge, so that she can move out into life with genuine tolerance of and compassion for the whole spectrum of human emotion. Kristin is deeply attuned to her mother's hidden emotional life, and may sense [...]
The Child's HoroscopeFree Try-Out Editionfor Kristin Tehvan, born on 5 May 1962
Text by Liz Greene, Copyright © Astrodienst AG 2009
Sounds like me, ma olen ikkagi lapseks jäänud :P
Monday, September 14, 2009

Sõnn on aeglane inimene. Võtkem näiteks seismise pikas järjekorras. Enamik ei vaevukski, aga Sõnn seisab pool tundi ja lahkub näiteks siis, kui ainult kaks inimest enne teda on jäänud. Miks? Mine võta kinni. Lihtsalt viskas ära. Aega läks, aga ära viskas.
Sõnn on tõsine. Ta on nii tõsine, et mitte keegi ei suuda seda tõsiselt võtta. Arvatakse, et tal on lihtsalt hea huumorimeel.
Sõnn on äärmiselt kartlik. Vana jama tundub igatahes ohutum kui mingi uus värk, kasvõi hea värk. Sõnn veedab aastaid vanas jamas.
Sõnn on lojaalne. Tema lojaalsus paistab teistele ülepingutatud ja igav. See ongi tegelt igav.
Sõnn on pessimistlik. Ta ei usu, et rohi oleks tegelikult rohelisem isegi sealpool tara.
Sõnn on loomuldasa aus. Keegi ei usu ta valetamist.
Sõnn on sihikindel. Otsustamine võib võtta küll 5 ja pool aastat aega, aga kui otsus tehtud, ei kaldu ta enam kõrvale.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
I am in love with myself again!
Why took it so long? Is it really so that when you see the world as a bad place you can’t help but to see yourself as a bad creature? When life seems ugly and unfair you seem to yourself as a part of it, ugly and unfair also. But think of all the FEELINGS! Even the bad ones, even the worst ones, is it bad to be able to feel all that?! It doesn’t matter that I get more wrinkles every day or the old ones get deeper. You can say that I'm old or fat or whatever, it doesn't matter. I’m alive.
I*M A L I V E!!!

Why took it so long? Is it really so that when you see the world as a bad place you can’t help but to see yourself as a bad creature? When life seems ugly and unfair you seem to yourself as a part of it, ugly and unfair also. But think of all the FEELINGS! Even the bad ones, even the worst ones, is it bad to be able to feel all that?! It doesn’t matter that I get more wrinkles every day or the old ones get deeper. You can say that I'm old or fat or whatever, it doesn't matter. I’m alive.
I*M A L I V E!!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
50 Questions That Don't Really Tell You Anything About Who I Am...
Yesterday at 12:05pm
[0] Who was your last text from?A deaf man who I don’t know (yet)
[1] Where was your default pic taken?Default pic? I don’t understand. Last pic of me was taken at the airport on Thursday
[2] Your relationship status?a widow
[3] Where did you meet your crush?online
[4] Have you ever lost a close friend?hmm… some have died
[5] What is your current mood?OK, benevolent… LOL[6] Whats your brother(s) names?no brothers
[7] Sister's names?no sisters
[8] Where do you wish you where (were) right now?in the mountains of Colorado
[9] Have a crazy side?Not sure, probably not, sure hope to stay normal for the rest of my life (and beyond LOL)
[10] Ever had a near death experience?I think so but how do I know for sure?
11 Ever farted on a date?No.
[12] Angry at anyone?Nope
[13] What's stopping you from going for the person you like?He does LOL[14] When was the last time you cried?Yesterday morning
[15] Is there anyone you would do anything for?No, not anything, never.
[16] What do you think about when you are falling asleep?Random stuff, trying not to think, stop all inner monologues
[17] Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?My son
[18] What is your favorite song?Too many (Morning Has Broken by Cat Stevens? LOL)
[19] What are you doing right now?This.[
20] Do you trust anyone right now?I trust most people, why not?
[21] Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?Don’t remember
[22] Have you hugged someone in the past week?No, I rarely hug anyone
[23] How many people have you loved?What’s love? I love my kids so two for sure
[24] Describe your life in one word!Quiet
[25] Who/What are you thinking of right now?right now my mind went blank LOL
[26] What should you be doing right now?Nothing, I do what I want to do
[27] What are you listening to?Nothing, silence’s the best
[28] Who was the last person who gave you a hug?Don’t remember… my daughter?
[30] Do you act differently around the person you like?Yes. I’m a perfect mirror When someone I like is around I act much better
[31] What is your natural hair color?Dark chocolate brown
[32] Who was the last person to make you laughMy son (he always does)
[33] Who was the last person to make you mad?Hmm… don’t remember really. I don’t get mad often
[34] What pets do you have?A cat and fish (cat’s actually my son’s)
[35] Is your hair naturally curly or straight?Straight
[36] Has anyone ever called you "scrumptious" before?Nope[37] When did you loose your virginity?When I was 14. I was raped.
[38] Hugged the opposite sex in the past 3 days?Nope
[39] Do you use smiley faces on the computer?Yes, all the time
[40] Plans for the weekend?It’s Sunday and no, no plans
[41] Are you happy with life right now?Yes[42] Are you currently jealous?Not really.
[43] What jewelry are you currently wearing?A ring and 3 earrings
[44] What are you doing Friday night?Whatever I want
[45] Have you ever had your heart broken?Yup, but it was my own fault – I put it into hands of a careless person and he dropped it ;))
[46] Have you ever broken someone's heart?Hopefully not
[47] Is there anybody you're really disappointed in?Not really
[48] Last person you saw?My son this morning leaving for work
[49] How late did you stay up last night and why?Until 2am because of the damned Farmville LOL
[50]How is your heart lately?Free
Yesterday at 12:05pm
[0] Who was your last text from?A deaf man who I don’t know (yet)
[1] Where was your default pic taken?Default pic? I don’t understand. Last pic of me was taken at the airport on Thursday
[2] Your relationship status?a widow
[3] Where did you meet your crush?online
[4] Have you ever lost a close friend?hmm… some have died
[5] What is your current mood?OK, benevolent… LOL[6] Whats your brother(s) names?no brothers
[7] Sister's names?no sisters
[8] Where do you wish you where (were) right now?in the mountains of Colorado
[9] Have a crazy side?Not sure, probably not, sure hope to stay normal for the rest of my life (and beyond LOL)
[10] Ever had a near death experience?I think so but how do I know for sure?
11 Ever farted on a date?No.
[12] Angry at anyone?Nope
[13] What's stopping you from going for the person you like?He does LOL[14] When was the last time you cried?Yesterday morning
[15] Is there anyone you would do anything for?No, not anything, never.
[16] What do you think about when you are falling asleep?Random stuff, trying not to think, stop all inner monologues
[17] Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?My son
[18] What is your favorite song?Too many (Morning Has Broken by Cat Stevens? LOL)
[19] What are you doing right now?This.[
20] Do you trust anyone right now?I trust most people, why not?
[21] Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?Don’t remember
[22] Have you hugged someone in the past week?No, I rarely hug anyone
[23] How many people have you loved?What’s love? I love my kids so two for sure
[24] Describe your life in one word!Quiet
[25] Who/What are you thinking of right now?right now my mind went blank LOL
[26] What should you be doing right now?Nothing, I do what I want to do
[27] What are you listening to?Nothing, silence’s the best
[28] Who was the last person who gave you a hug?Don’t remember… my daughter?
[30] Do you act differently around the person you like?Yes. I’m a perfect mirror When someone I like is around I act much better
[31] What is your natural hair color?Dark chocolate brown
[32] Who was the last person to make you laughMy son (he always does)
[33] Who was the last person to make you mad?Hmm… don’t remember really. I don’t get mad often
[34] What pets do you have?A cat and fish (cat’s actually my son’s)
[35] Is your hair naturally curly or straight?Straight
[36] Has anyone ever called you "scrumptious" before?Nope[37] When did you loose your virginity?When I was 14. I was raped.
[38] Hugged the opposite sex in the past 3 days?Nope
[39] Do you use smiley faces on the computer?Yes, all the time
[40] Plans for the weekend?It’s Sunday and no, no plans
[41] Are you happy with life right now?Yes[42] Are you currently jealous?Not really.
[43] What jewelry are you currently wearing?A ring and 3 earrings
[44] What are you doing Friday night?Whatever I want
[45] Have you ever had your heart broken?Yup, but it was my own fault – I put it into hands of a careless person and he dropped it ;))
[46] Have you ever broken someone's heart?Hopefully not
[47] Is there anybody you're really disappointed in?Not really
[48] Last person you saw?My son this morning leaving for work
[49] How late did you stay up last night and why?Until 2am because of the damned Farmville LOL
[50]How is your heart lately?Free
Friday, August 21, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
I just found out the gender of my unborn grandchild - it's a GIRL!
I found this and looked up myself, my daughter and my son, my daughter's baby and my best friend's both kids - so far it's correct!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Subject: Breast Cancer Statistics
Date: Wednesday, July 22, 2009, 3:09 PM
So you are saying that all the women who died of breast cancer could have cured themselves by changing their thinking.
Yes. I wonder if the book Metamedicine is available in English. Anyhow, most forms of "cancer" are really signs of improvement after a (long) period of conflict. Cutting them off, heavy chemical treatment and irradiation make people very sick and great fear + hopelessness is what really killing those women. Their bodies get very weak and toxic and they just give up, can't fight the fear etc.
I'm sorry for the poor wording, I'm having a little hangover LOL, can't concentrate at the moment.
As for me, I found a lump in my breast at the end of 2005. I did nothing. It didn't change. I was quite sure on my own (without reading any material etc) that unless I know for sure what I decide to do about it I would do nothing, just forget about it and see. So now, in June, if I rememebr right, maybe in May, the lump rapidly got bigger (about the size of an egg) and started hurting. I had just a few month ago started to change my thinking and attitude towards life etc. It really is hard to talk about those things as there are no correct words and terms to talk about spiritual stuff. I knew I had to release my wrong attitude, let go my resentment and my demands towards life/world/all the people I thought "owed" me this and that... (I'm rambling! I know, very bad LOL) Well anyway, I remember you were a key-person at that time, you helped me to release all that shit just by being there, and all of a sudden I was so happy and I went to the sea and walked in joy and rejoyced - no, I'm not an idiot, I just don't know English LOL
Well, the next day the lump was gone. Totally gone. no pain either. One big dark blue vessel is still there but it doesn't matter, it won't feed my "misery" anymore, I cut it off.
Later on I happened upon the book Metamedicine and it was a pleasure to read it (mostly women who had had a breast cancer tell their stories there) - I could relate very closely to everything there. Btw, they say cancer in the left breast is the sign of a conflict with female relatives (often mother) and/or losing home - I had lump in my left breast and I had thought it's because of my conflict with men, but then I realized it was my inability to forgive my mother for my sad childhood, not getting divorced, holding up to this stupid house my father owned and so on, and it was also my grief about losing my home which I couldn't let go. Conflicts with men create lumps/cancer in the right breast and I have had no problems with my right breast.
As for arthritis - it is always a sing of riGid creed (belief). It's usually old people's condition. They think they know it all and are not willing to reconsider anything or change anything. I suppose it's very comfortable to have a "ready" textbook for everything in life. It's hard to change your thinking when you are old...
Hands (wrists, arms) are means of giving and receiving. Usually it is interpreted that the left hand is receiving hand and the right hand is giving hand (can be and probably is on the contrary when the person is left-handed). I personally think that you have lost your ability to receive and by getting your wrist operated on and taking medicine to soothe the pain you now have no reason to change. But that doesn't make your problems go away, you just don't have to work on them right now. But it's possible that you will get bigger problems (physically) later on. Especially hormones aren't things that I personally would mess with, they are way too important for our bodies. Remember, I gave up my medicine for my thyroid gland and I'm doing fine now. Instead of taking medicine (my doc said I would have to take them for the rest of my life!!!) and getting my thyroid gland operated on (thus making the process irreversible) I started working on my attitude.
Actually it's very simple - whatever we are here for (and the "MEANING" of life was always so very important to me!!!) - we can make it really simple and say that we are TO BE HAPPY AND IF POSSIBLE TO MAKE OTHERS HAPPY AS WELL. Actually we ARE making others happy just by being happy. We simply add to the GREATER GOOD and that's somthing that everybody can do, no matter what their "facts of life" are. I realized that I had been carrying a very heavy baggage with me through my whole life - the discontentment with the world, - my parents, my conditions, my late husband, my fucked up personality and so on and on. I realized that nothing stops me of getting it off of my back and just leave it there and go on with my hands in my pockets and whistle on my lips. It sounds easy, but strangely enough it can be tricky... because - WHO ARE WE WITHOUT OUR BAGGAGES? I know the answer. Do you?
I'll add a pic to this email, it helped me a lot. It acutally made me understand why some people can be so cheerful in life while others see only sorrow. It's what you concentrate on. We all see what we want to see.
Sending you Love and Light and a hug :)
Date: Wednesday, July 22, 2009, 3:09 PM
So you are saying that all the women who died of breast cancer could have cured themselves by changing their thinking.
Yes. I wonder if the book Metamedicine is available in English. Anyhow, most forms of "cancer" are really signs of improvement after a (long) period of conflict. Cutting them off, heavy chemical treatment and irradiation make people very sick and great fear + hopelessness is what really killing those women. Their bodies get very weak and toxic and they just give up, can't fight the fear etc.
I'm sorry for the poor wording, I'm having a little hangover LOL, can't concentrate at the moment.
As for me, I found a lump in my breast at the end of 2005. I did nothing. It didn't change. I was quite sure on my own (without reading any material etc) that unless I know for sure what I decide to do about it I would do nothing, just forget about it and see. So now, in June, if I rememebr right, maybe in May, the lump rapidly got bigger (about the size of an egg) and started hurting. I had just a few month ago started to change my thinking and attitude towards life etc. It really is hard to talk about those things as there are no correct words and terms to talk about spiritual stuff. I knew I had to release my wrong attitude, let go my resentment and my demands towards life/world/all the people I thought "owed" me this and that... (I'm rambling! I know, very bad LOL) Well anyway, I remember you were a key-person at that time, you helped me to release all that shit just by being there, and all of a sudden I was so happy and I went to the sea and walked in joy and rejoyced - no, I'm not an idiot, I just don't know English LOL
Well, the next day the lump was gone. Totally gone. no pain either. One big dark blue vessel is still there but it doesn't matter, it won't feed my "misery" anymore, I cut it off.
Later on I happened upon the book Metamedicine and it was a pleasure to read it (mostly women who had had a breast cancer tell their stories there) - I could relate very closely to everything there. Btw, they say cancer in the left breast is the sign of a conflict with female relatives (often mother) and/or losing home - I had lump in my left breast and I had thought it's because of my conflict with men, but then I realized it was my inability to forgive my mother for my sad childhood, not getting divorced, holding up to this stupid house my father owned and so on, and it was also my grief about losing my home which I couldn't let go. Conflicts with men create lumps/cancer in the right breast and I have had no problems with my right breast.
As for arthritis - it is always a sing of riGid creed (belief). It's usually old people's condition. They think they know it all and are not willing to reconsider anything or change anything. I suppose it's very comfortable to have a "ready" textbook for everything in life. It's hard to change your thinking when you are old...
Hands (wrists, arms) are means of giving and receiving. Usually it is interpreted that the left hand is receiving hand and the right hand is giving hand (can be and probably is on the contrary when the person is left-handed). I personally think that you have lost your ability to receive and by getting your wrist operated on and taking medicine to soothe the pain you now have no reason to change. But that doesn't make your problems go away, you just don't have to work on them right now. But it's possible that you will get bigger problems (physically) later on. Especially hormones aren't things that I personally would mess with, they are way too important for our bodies. Remember, I gave up my medicine for my thyroid gland and I'm doing fine now. Instead of taking medicine (my doc said I would have to take them for the rest of my life!!!) and getting my thyroid gland operated on (thus making the process irreversible) I started working on my attitude.
Actually it's very simple - whatever we are here for (and the "MEANING" of life was always so very important to me!!!) - we can make it really simple and say that we are TO BE HAPPY AND IF POSSIBLE TO MAKE OTHERS HAPPY AS WELL. Actually we ARE making others happy just by being happy. We simply add to the GREATER GOOD and that's somthing that everybody can do, no matter what their "facts of life" are. I realized that I had been carrying a very heavy baggage with me through my whole life - the discontentment with the world, - my parents, my conditions, my late husband, my fucked up personality and so on and on. I realized that nothing stops me of getting it off of my back and just leave it there and go on with my hands in my pockets and whistle on my lips. It sounds easy, but strangely enough it can be tricky... because - WHO ARE WE WITHOUT OUR BAGGAGES? I know the answer. Do you?
I'll add a pic to this email, it helped me a lot. It acutally made me understand why some people can be so cheerful in life while others see only sorrow. It's what you concentrate on. We all see what we want to see.
Sending you Love and Light and a hug :)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
*Truly stupid things found on other things.
On Sears hairdryer:Do not use while sleeping.(Gee, that's the only time I have to work on my hair!)
On a bag of Fritos:You could be a winner! No purchase necessary. Details inside.(The shoplifter special!)
On a bar of Dial soap:Directions: Use like regular soap.(And that would be how?)
On some Swann frozen dinners:Serving suggestion: Defrost.(But it's 'just' a suggestion!)
On Tesco's Tiramisu dessert: (printed on bottom of the box)Do not turn upside down.(Too late! you lose!)
On Marks & Spencer Bread Pudding:Product will be hot after heating.(Are you sure? Let's experiment.)
On packaging for a Rowenta iron:Do not iron clothes on body.(But wouldn't that save more time?)(Whose body?)
On Boot's Children's cough medicine:Do not drive car or operate machinery.(We could do a lot to reduce the construction accidents if we just kept those 5 year olds off those forklifts.)
On Nytol sleep aid:Warning: may cause drowsiness.(One would hope!)
On a Korean kitchen knife:Warning: keep out of children.(hmm...something must have gotten lost in the translation...)
On a string of Christmas lights:For indoor or outdoor use only.(As opposed to use in outer space.)
a food processor:Not to be used for the other use.(Now I'm curious.)
On Sainsbury's peanuts:Warning: contains nuts.(but no peas?)
On an American Airlines packet of nuts:Instructions: open packet, eat nuts.(Somebody got paid big bucks to write this one...)
On a Swedish chainsaw:Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands.(Raise your hand if you've tried this...)
On a child's Superman costume:Wearing of this garment does not enable you to fly.(Oh go ahead! That's right, destroy a universal childhood belief.)
On Sears hairdryer:Do not use while sleeping.(Gee, that's the only time I have to work on my hair!)
On a bag of Fritos:You could be a winner! No purchase necessary. Details inside.(The shoplifter special!)
On a bar of Dial soap:Directions: Use like regular soap.(And that would be how?)
On some Swann frozen dinners:Serving suggestion: Defrost.(But it's 'just' a suggestion!)
On Tesco's Tiramisu dessert: (printed on bottom of the box)Do not turn upside down.(Too late! you lose!)
On Marks & Spencer Bread Pudding:Product will be hot after heating.(Are you sure? Let's experiment.)
On packaging for a Rowenta iron:Do not iron clothes on body.(But wouldn't that save more time?)(Whose body?)
On Boot's Children's cough medicine:Do not drive car or operate machinery.(We could do a lot to reduce the construction accidents if we just kept those 5 year olds off those forklifts.)
On Nytol sleep aid:Warning: may cause drowsiness.(One would hope!)
On a Korean kitchen knife:Warning: keep out of children.(hmm...something must have gotten lost in the translation...)
On a string of Christmas lights:For indoor or outdoor use only.(As opposed to use in outer space.)
a food processor:Not to be used for the other use.(Now I'm curious.)
On Sainsbury's peanuts:Warning: contains nuts.(but no peas?)
On an American Airlines packet of nuts:Instructions: open packet, eat nuts.(Somebody got paid big bucks to write this one...)
On a Swedish chainsaw:Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands.(Raise your hand if you've tried this...)
On a child's Superman costume:Wearing of this garment does not enable you to fly.(Oh go ahead! That's right, destroy a universal childhood belief.)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need. Marcus Tullius Cicero
Show me your garden and I shall tell you what you are. Alfred Austin
The best place to find God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. George Bernard Shaw
Won't you come into the garden? I would like my roses to see you. Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Want to be happy forever? - Plant a garden. /can't find the source/
Mul on akna peal aed / I have a garden on my window
Seal kasvab porgand, kuusk, asalea ja kaks tundmatut lille / There's a carrot, a spur, an azalea and two unknown flowers
Ja üks ämblikuvõrk, mis saab nähtavaks õhtul / And a cobweb that lights up at sunset
Show me your garden and I shall tell you what you are. Alfred Austin
The best place to find God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. George Bernard Shaw
Won't you come into the garden? I would like my roses to see you. Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Want to be happy forever? - Plant a garden. /can't find the source/

Seal kasvab porgand, kuusk, asalea ja kaks tundmatut lille / There's a carrot, a spur, an azalea and two unknown flowers
Ja üks ämblikuvõrk, mis saab nähtavaks õhtul / And a cobweb that lights up at sunset

Monday, July 20, 2009

(kibble) He's originally from Saaremaa so that's where all his buddies are to meet once a year.

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