Thursday, May 6, 2021


 Pluto Quincunx Mars

The quincunx can have a person feeling knocked off course, but also that he or she can’t be in the same room with the other energy. When it comes to Mars in quincunx to natal Pluto, aggressive, assertive, fiery people and situations have knocked the person off course in many lifetimes as he or she has worked on becoming strong, confident, and powerful. It is not that a dramatic situation occurs in every lifetime, but there are periodic occurrences that throw the person off course and the memories of these particularly awful experiences are present in the unconscious cache of Plutonian memories in all lifetimes (so that the person might carry a signature of Mars-related trauma out of all proportion to his or her biography in this life).

The result can be a person who is dissociated, aloof, and traumatized, perhaps immediately turned off by Mars-like people and situations. He or she might not have a clear concept of what he or she wants out of life because it has seemed in many lives that the thing most important to them is just going to get messed up by aggression, violence, and/or abuse. It’s possible that the person’s deep level of fear can attract people with Mars malfunctions into his or her life, feeling afraid or defensive toward them while not knowing how to deal with them, assert boundaries, or get rid of them. The remedy lies in unraveling trauma (whether from this life or other lives) while learning what true power is and isn’t (see the Notes on Pluto article).

Moon conjunct or quincunx Uranus breeds a range of crazed lunatics, unconventional rebels and quiet outsiders. There is a pathological need to shock and outrage. However Moon conjunct or quincunx Uranus are often shy and uncomfortable with the notoriety their outrageous behavior brings them. This aspect can be branded as an attention seeker, when all it is doing is being itself. The roots of this seemingly bonkers behavior very often stems from their upbringing.

The mother was either a genius, a very eccentric individual, really spaced-out or totally absent. Whatever the case, the mother was just not the same as other mothers so these kids grow up feeling that they are unusually special or that they not worthy of normal parenting because they are freaks. Sometimes there is an odd mix of the two which leaves them feeling very insecure.

Spaced Out
Another manifestation of this Moon conjunct or quincunx Uranus is that the mother was more of a best friend than a nurturer, so that the child grows up too fast and sees or hears things that were far too adult for them. This can make them child prodigies or overly precocious. Some of them reclaim their lost childhood as adults, and are accused of living a fantasy existence. At least this naive fascination with life enables Moon/Uranus folk to think anything is possible and they are often incredibly inventive, ingenious and imaginative.

Moon conjunct or quincunx Uranus can also describe a shock to the infant at a very vulnerable stage in their development, which can leave them feeling rather unhinged. These individuals come across as exciting, electric and quite chaotic unless they have more stabilizing factors in their chart. Both the Moon and Uranus are fluctuating and changeable, their emotions often change in a flash. Uranus stands for the truth and revelation, so it can happen that these people will risk exile by speaking truth that the populous find hard to accept. Moon conjunct or quincunx Uranus may never feel truly at home in the present moment because they are so far ahead of time in their thinking.

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