Friday, June 21, 2019


Weaknesses in Modern Science

There are many weaknesses in modern science and with a little practice one can recognize examples of these weakness in scientific reports and claims. Hopefully all of these weaknesses can be corrected in the next millennium. As you are bombarded in television commercials and news reports with scientific claims, or even science and nature educational shows, ask yourself whether any of the following weaknesses flaw the presentation.

Scientists Confuse Theory with Truth. When a theory proves extremely successful in predicting observations, even scientists forget that they are supposed to be ready to discard the theory objectively and without regret when it fails. This is probably because they have come to believe their theory is actually "true" rather than just a successful model. The big steps in science have been taken by those bold enough to believe the observations rather than the theories. In astronomy, for example, Kepler believed the observations of Tycho which showed that the planets move in elliptical orbits around the sun, rather than perfect circles as Copernicus had postulated. Kepler's bold step resulted in what are now known as Kepler's laws.
Disallowing Human Observations. While it is true that often an instrument can be invented which surpasses the ability of humans to observe both accurately and precisely, there is a tendency to disallow all human observations. That seems extreme, especially in the cases where no instrument has yet been invented because the phenomenon is not well enough understood. If most people were blind, would it be "scientific" to ignore all observations by the few who could see only because blind scientists could not invent a camcorder and connect it to their optic nerves? The study of extra-sensory perception, acupuncture, and the aura is finally beginning to advance in Western science because this unreasonable restriction is beginning to be relaxed. Instruments will probably be invented to observe and record these phenomena, which will put them more directly into the realm of science.
Not-yet-measured Equated to Non-existent. Even worse than ignoring the observations of those who can see something which you cannot is the tendency of science to declare that something does not even exist if cannot be measured by an instrument. This extra step into ignorance compounds the problem.
Rejecting Theory-Invalidating Observations Because of no better theory. Even when observations are made which invalidate a theory, it is the nature of most researchers not to reject the former theory until a new model is proposed that explains all of the observations so far. A modern day example of this is that quasars are still believed by most astronomers to be located extremely far away, even though there is strong evidence that they are shot out of nearby galaxies. The problem is that current theory does not explain how quasars coming toward could be "red-shifted," a phenomenon only expected to occur for objects moving away from us. Until someone can explain how quasars moving toward us can be red-shifted, astronomers are not likely to be convinced that they are nearby, no matter how strong the evidence is.
False Assumptions. All of science is based on various underlying assumptions. Often these are so deeply rooted that the scientists are unaware of just what they are. If they turn out the be wrong, then the entire edifice built upon them could fall. For example, for millennia it was assumed that the plane geometry of Euclid was "true," but then Einstein and others proposed "curved space" which has proven to be a very fruitful theory. Similarly space and time were believed to be absolute and matter was believed to be different from energy, and again it was Einstein who has argued convincingly otherwise. When the underlying foundations are wrong, it often requires rebuilding the entire scientific edifice, as was the case with Einstein.
Science Need Not Be Atheistic. In our day, the world teaches that scientists should be atheistic so that they are not prejudiced by the false traditions of religion, which hamper progress. A century ago the name of God appeared in many science books, but now his name has systematically been removed. We are taught that the thought of mixing God into science is "unscientific."
It seems very likely that in the millennium, the pendulum will swing back to allowing God to do science along with us, his creations, because it may be discovered that the real problem is the "false traditions" rather than the "religion." Future books may note that the false traditions of atheism hindered progress even more than false religion because it forced man to propose very unlikely mechanisms for the universe somehow to create itself. When the Lord reigns during the millennium, we can expect that the typical scientist will believe like Louis Agassiz, probably the greatest naturalist of his day, who said, "In our study of natural objects we are approaching the thoughts of the Creator, reading his conceptions, interpreting a system that is His and not ours." He was among those who appeared to Wilford Woodruff in the St. George Temple, requesting that his temple work be done.
Government and Special Interests. Most scientific research done today is funded by governments, so scientists must tailor their agenda (and even findings?) accordingly, or be out of work. This is particularly unfortunate in countries where secret combinations are in control. Similarly, large corporations hire scientists to prove that their products are safe to use or superior to their competitors. We can hardly expect an unbiased report of their findings. When the Savior reigns during the millennium, restrictions and falsifications caused by conspiring men should be greatly alleviated.
To some extent, we can judge right now which sciences will endure throughout the millennium by comparing them to revealed truth, by seeing how firmly they are built on the foundation of the scientific method, and by noticing how much they might be affected by the weaknesses in science.
  Kes oli John P. Pratt
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Sunday, June 9, 2019

KURJA JUUR 2: kui Päike ja Saturn ei taha ühes liivakastis kenasti koos mängida....

Sun Square Saturn

The issue of self-esteem and worth is highlighted, and you may experience a degree of hidden insecurity and fears of full involvement in life. You may feel that your success is being frustrated by the world, which appears to confront you by obstacles on your way. Much depends on your reactions to such experiences, and your inner attitudes will determine how you deal with them. At times, you can seem almost over-assertive or aggressive, and this can diminish opportunities for co-operative endeavors to develop, especially when you fail to notice your effect on others, or inadvertently ignore their feelings and sensitivities. Often this is just an overreaction to your fears in relating to people, and instead of relaxing more, you tend to project through your tightness an over dominant energy that others can find uncomfortable. Alternatively, you could retreat back into a surrendered posture of passivity to life's challenges, defeated before you start. Certainly learning how to live with any restrictions imposed by Saturn may be a necessary form of adjustment, although this should not imply a resignation to them, but merely a conscious modification to circumstances and a consequent step to transcend them later. The choice is yours to reshape your lifestyle patterns into a way that is more suitable and open to development. Self-expression and creativity may feel restricted, although this is often dependent on your confidence in your abilities and self-image, rather than on any lack of talents and qualities. Being able to perceive yourself in a positive light may become a key to your success, because that would also alter your relationships with others. There may be an emotional reserve and lack of warmth in your social contacts, so that you feel uncomfortable in bridging social divides and entering deeper relationships. Co-operation may need further development, and that air of formality and strictness may have to be relaxed so that friendships or partnerships can be more easily formed. The need for relaxation is present in both your outer and inner relationships. You may be unable to see your nature and direction clearly and this creates an insecurity which destabilizes your self-esteem. Personal tightness and control may need to be relinquished, and greater self-relaxation would be highly beneficial, especially in changing certain attitudes and increasing your physical vitality which periodically can become low as the energy is diverted towards restraints. Becoming looser, more tolerant, accepting and understanding would act as a great liberator, or you may begin to bow under the strain of those self-imposed restrictions, especially as your enjoyment of life progressively diminishes. A new inner balance and self-image is necessary. As this is achieved, any outer frustrations will correspondingly start to dissolve in equal measures to the increase in your self-confidence and clarified inner perspective. While initially it may appear as if the outer world and people are opposing you, it is this same source which can offer great opportunities as your changes proceed. Through the interplay of your nature and the environment, many inner crises and tensions can be healed and resolved, releasing latent qualities, talents and potentials in their renewal of blocked energies. Look especially towards the houses and signs of the Sun-Saturn opposition for areas which could be especially revitalized, or where your talents could be effectively applied.


Natal Sun Opposition Neptune ~ The Chameleon

Sun Aspects

The sun represents our vitality and our conscious ego, the self and its expression. It establishes our will to live and our creative force. It is associated with spontaneity and health. A well aspected Sun will describe a person who has heart, who cares for others both in general, and at the personal level. A poorly aspected Sun will describe a person who either has much more difficulty accessing this love and caring ability. In your chart the position of the sign represents your life purpose and style in which your make your mark in the world.

Sun Opposition Neptune

The opposition between Neptune and the Sun can stimulate a distorted and self-deluding perspective of reality, which tends to create additional problems and obstacles in your life and decision-making. You may find it difficult to analyse and evaluate options and choices correctly, often focusing on self-created and imaginary issues rather than actual problems. Sometimes these can take the forms of voluntary suffering arising from inner guilt patterns associated with deep-lying desires; an expiation or atonement of 'sins', actual or imaginary. This can result in the sacrificial martyr attitude, and is often quite unnecessary, yet in a strange way provides a foundation to your life. Your relationships can be characterised by degrees of confusion and misunderstandings, and through powerful emotions you are liable to overly intimate relationships with fantasies and wishful thinking, forming a deceiving miasma which affects all involved. There can be a pattern operating through you that subverts clear, honest and direct communication, even though you may not fully accept or realise this. You often avoid commitment and entering fully into emotional involvements through fears of being trapped or dominated, which, allied to a suspicious nature, does not augur well for stable relationships. The main problem with inner glamours and illusions is that they are so difficult to identify correctly, and obviously such distorting mirrors make it hard to perceive with clarity. The real effect of spiritual transformation shatters these mirrors. Being able to recognise and acknowledge that such problems exist is the first the first and most important step, followed by consistent action to discover the appropriate remedy. Essentially, you need to strip down your habitual perceptions of others and yourself, so that the reality can shine through more objectively. Facing the reality of avoidance patterns and observing the influence of your emotional biases and defensive mechanisms can be very revealing, as can noting how you distort relationship communication; consider all this without self-condemnation or judgement. In looking lie the seeds of transformation.




Saturday, June 8, 2019


North Node in Leo: The Charismatic Soul

***Also for if you have North Node in the 5th House

The spotlight is ready to shine upon you if you were born with the North Node in Leo. This placement instills a higher self within that is full of charisma, life, and confidence. For those with this North Node, the path toward spiritual growth comes from recognizing just what it is that makes you special and that makes you feel alive. Deep down, your soul possesses this yearning to take the star position, soaking up the applause of others. In doing so, you will not only be able to make life a more entertaining, exciting venture for you but you will be able to entertain and excite the people around you. “Let me entertain you!” is the motto you need to live by in order to evolve.

But, the place that you’re coming from is your South Node in Aquarius, which makes you much more comfortable just standing back and watching everything happen. You have a deep-seated hesitance to get involved, in more ways than one. Instead, you prefer to maintain an attitude of detachment, giving you a vision that is more intellectual than emotional, more objective than personal. Like all of our South Nodes, there are some pro’s and some con’s here. On the plus side, you possess a wonderful ability to not take life so personally. Being as attuned as you are to the “bigger picture”, you don’t go around immediately reacting to everything that happens to you. So, on a certain level, you can naturally keep things drama-free and these super-chill vibes draw a lot of friends your way, as does your highly approachable, friendly manner. You truly don’t know a stranger.

This is because that Aquarius South Node gives you an unpretentious, easy ability to mix it up with everyone. A stranger is just a friend you haven’t met yet. But, the downside of this is the preoccupation with everyone over concerns with the self. In an unevolved mode, you don’t care that much about being “special” exactly. You know that you’re different – as in quirky, free-thinking, or nonconforming – but it’s not something that goes to your head. In actuality, it can be something that brings a painful sense of loneliness, beneath the highly active social life and the nonchalant, breezy demeanor. South Node in Aquarius individuals can struggle with the sense that they have a lot of friends but that nobody truly “knows” them or understands them. Yet, you also don’t truly know or understand yourself. You’re too busy getting caught up in ideas, concepts, projects, causes, and friendships that you don’t take enough time to stop and ask, “Well, what about me?”

It’s a reflection of baggage from your past life that you’re still carrying around. With an Aquarius South Node, I believe that you’re coming from a very recent former life where you strove hard to make a difference in society. You were determined to make the world a better place. People with this placement were activists, inventors, or innovators in their past life, in some way or another. You could’ve been a vital member of some social or political movement. You may have been involved in something that focused very much on other people, particularly the study of human nature. Many South Node in Aquarius folks were psychiatrists, sociologists, or anthropologists in their past lives, looking at their fellow man with an objective, well-informed eye and figuring out what makes them tick. You also could’ve done something very scientific or intellectual in your former life, developing your natural strength of using your mind and your higher reason to navigate the world.

But, the problem is that you became really stuck in your head. Your gift for objectivity soon became a major weakness because you couldn’t stop scrutinizing everything and everyone from the outside looking in. It was like you viewed the world from the perspective of a microscope or a telescope, instead of seeing it from your own personal lens. This is something that began alienating you from other people. It was difficult for you to become truly emotionally connected to others in this last life. With the South Node in Aquarius, your romantic endeavors particularly suffered because of this. The passion never ignited or lasted because you were too interested in staying cool to keep the fires burning. A part of this was because you never thought you were that big of a deal. So, you resisted the passionate affection of others, since such exclusive attention made you uncomfortable. And, as a result, you had a hard time showing passionate affection. Therefore, you lived your life in a very arm’s-length way, keeping it light and easy with your vast multitude of friends while never really getting that close or bonding that deeply with anyone.

These are problems that you never found a way to resolve in your former life. That’s why they’ve been carried over into this lifetime. Even if you’re not into the past lives theory, the aforementioned issues have still strongly defined your past in this current life. It’s why the causes you promote might be more important than your personal life. At an extreme, the Aquarius South Node can make you so dispassionate and casual about your personal life that you can leave your loved ones wondering if you even care at all. You can detach too easily from people, giving off an uncomfortable chill instead of an enjoyable one. It all comes from that head-centered way of living, which prevents you from truly connecting to your heart. And you are meant to fully live from your heart center, as it will give you the vitality and passion you need to perform on life’s stage.

Enter your North Node in Leo. It is your birthright to be a performer and a lover. After an unfulfilling past of distance and lack of ego, what your soul really wants is to develop an ego and to use it to make your special mark on the world. It can take a feeling of crisis for us to move past our South Node. It usually comes from us trying and trying at it but continuing to feel empty and unsatisfied by our efforts. With the South Node in Aquarius, the breakthrough moment may come when you get tired of freewheeling your way through your social network, feeling bothered by your lack of special connection to certain people. You might start getting tired of all of the idealism and intellectualism as, if unbalanced, this leaves you with a sense of lack. You may also wonder why your romances just don’t touch you like they touch everyone else or why everyone else gets a chance to shine in the spotlight while you are too busy watching from the wings or the audience.

This is the moment when you know that you’re ready to embrace your Leo North Node. The thing is that it’s already inside of you. We’re not learning how to be our North Node. We’re just learning how to acknowledge those traits within us and actively express them to walk a more conscious and more enlightened path. So, with the North Node in Leo, you have to shine a light on the part of you that yearns to be special. Through all of your years of being the audience member, instead of the performer, or of being the fan, instead of the celebrity, you have internalized the amazing things about the larger-than-life individuals that you admire so much. It’s like you’ve spent all of your past as an unknown kid from the middle of nowhere. That’s your South Node in Aquarius. But, you have harbored such vivid, amazing dreams of getting out of that town, going off to the big city, and becoming a star. That’s your Leo North Node. And all you’ve got to do is buy the plane ticket.

But, of course, this requires you to believe in yourself. With the Leo North Node, there is an element of “faking it ‘til you make it.” You naturally don’t give two shits about your “image” and that’s a great thing about you. It’s what you’re most comfortable with: just living your life and not trying to create a lot of buzz or hype around yourself. But, at the same time, your spiritual destiny requires you to create that buzz around yourself. The great thing is that, with an Aquarius South Node, you won’t get too caught up in all of that. This is where the balance with our Nodes comes from. You’re supposed to transform your South Node, not leave it behind. Your natural ability to not get too involved means that you can create the fabulous image you need to succeed while not caring too much about it. Unlike those with personal planets in Leo, your ego doesn’t get attached to the praise or the glamour. It’s like that famous story about Marilyn Monroe (who had a Leo Rising and an Aquarius Moon). Born as Norma Jean Baker, she was known for turning that pizzazz she had on and off. One day, she turned to a friend of hers, while they were heading out in public, asked “Do you want to see her?”, as in Marilyn Monroe and not Norma Jean, and suddenly flipped a switch and became the alluring pin-up goddess for her fans and photographers, instead of the offbeat, nerdy girl she felt like on the inside.

This placement gives you that same ability but you’ve got to access the audacity and the gall to be that person. You are so accustomed to paying attention to “more important” things in the world than yourself. So, Leo North Node people are often afraid to step into the spotlight and strut their stuff because they just ask themselves, “Who do you think you are? Climate change is happening, corrupt politicians are trying to take over the world, and you’re worried about people liking the way you dress or your play getting good reviews?” Well, hey, we all cannot be global thinkers. And this is something that North Node in Leo individuals just have to release. Yes, it’s wonderful that you are so concerned with the bigger picture. But, you fit into that bigger picture, don’t you? It’s liberating for you to, then, realize that everything that happens in the world matters, whether it’s big or small, whether it affects everyone or if it just affects you.

Therefore, you will evolve by learning to be okay with wanting to be important; not for any other reason than just expressing your creativity or your specialness. You have spent more than enough time trying to make everyone else feel special. Now, you’re more than overdue for some me-time. This is what gives you such a charismatic soul. You are on a higher mission to self-actualize and, in the process, will discover the powerful charisma that you possess. And this star-quality will actually be expressed without you caring too much if other people are into it. There will always be a part of you that’s a rebel or a maverick, thanks to the Aquarius South Node. You’re so used to not being "famous" and not pursuing that fame that you have an instinct for going against the grain, for taking the indie or non-mainstream route, so to speak. So, you will be able to achieve the superstardom you want via your own rules, not by conforming to someone else’s. After all, no one is capable of selling themselves better than you.

Because of this, there is a part of you that has to become less dependent on your group of buddies. It’s as if you are a member of a boy band or a girl group yet you’re clearly the one who shines the brightest. It’s like Justin Timberlake when he was in NSYNC or Beyonce when she was in Destiny’s Child. Without coincidence, the two of them both have the North Node in Leo. And they were obviously the most famous, popular ones of their groups. Now, look at them: they’ve both been solo artists for over a decade and are two of the most celebrated entertainers of their generation. And that didn’t really happen for them until they started their solo careers. It’s the same situation with you. You’re going to have to access and develop the courage and the confidence needed to step away from the group. Instead of clinging to an “all for one and one for all” mentality, you have to find the strength of will within to step out and invest in your own creative endeavors. In this lifetime, you’re allowed to be reasonably self-absorbed. It’s about you now.

That’s not to say that you have to give your friends the finger. You will always have a lot of friends and will display a very level-headed, egalitarian kind of loyalty to them. But, what about what you want? What about what interests you? You need to put yourself back at the center. Of course, this won’t manifest in the realm of creative projects and pursuits of fame for all Leo North Node folks, even though it can, in many instances. It can be as simple as you deciding you want to go to the park, even if your friend wants to go to the movies. Well, if you don’t want to go to see that movie, don’t go. It’s so easy for you to “go with the flow” and be nonchalant about your personal desires. But, you will grow spiritually by developing a healthy self-involvement, saying “No, this is what I want” and then just doing it. And if they’re really your friends, they will support your “solo album”, whatever it might be. Your friendships can be rather superficial anyway, as it’s so easy for you to make friends that you can call someone that you just met two weeks ago your best friend. But, when you take command of your own life and do what truly interests you, you will figure out the difference between actual friends, who support you and are loyal to you no matter what, and casual acquaintances who you just socialize with and hang with in the same circles.

You are discovering a lot more about yourself, as well. When you express this willful kind of creativity, you will figure out the things about the creative process of life that give you genuine joy and confidence. Your self-assurance is burgeoning and blossoming because, when you embrace your North Node, you can look in the mirror and applaud what you see. This is why you gravitate toward praise. It’s actually not that much of an ego trip for you. Instead, it’s just a way of other people affirming the things you’re discovering about yourself: that, yes, you are beautiful, kind, talented, fun to be around, intelligent, etc. It’s why you find such soul-level fulfillment from performing. North Node in Leo can produce some highly passionate actors, singers, dancers, and musicians. Something like writing or drawing often isn’t “involved” enough, even though it can be enjoyable for you. But, those are more objective, distant art forms and you’re evolving from that. You actually want to throw yourself in the moment, show people what you’ve got, and then receive their glowing reviews and loving appreciation like the superstar you were made to be.

This manifests in the area of romance, as well. It is through discovering your ability to show heartfelt, undivided love that you will grow. The Aquarius South Node has caused you to spread your attention to everyone, in the past. Now, the cultivation of really special time with a really special person will bring you true fulfillment. This means that you have to get attached and that you have to understand just how much your actions affect the other person. You’re so attuned to everyone that you can become out-of-touch with “the one.” So, you have a tendency to create a lot of chaos in your romantic relationships and also in close friendships. In a way, you are rebelling against what you see as the restrictive demands of the other person. Being a weirdo, causing trouble, or staying detached are often utilized to push the other person away, out of fear, especially since you can be so puzzled as to what they see in you that’s so special.

But, you have to believe that not only do they want to love you but that they should want to love you. Then, you can give them the special attention and devotion that they give you. Due to your naturally strong intellect and powers of observation, you can blend this affection and passion with an intelligent awareness of what’s going to serve them as an individual. Yet, you are also not supposed to get too wrapped up in your intellect. Being too rational is a sign that you’re off-track spiritually. With a Leo North Node, you are supposed to follow your passions. It might make you feel like a love-crazed teenager, at times. But, that’s how you’re supposed to feel, in this lifetime. You’ve spent too much time playing it cool. So, let yourself get enthusiastic and swept away: not just by your love affairs but by anything that catches your fancy. This is why North Node in Leo people have such karmic connections to children and adolescents. You might spend part of your life resisting a rapport with these youthful creatures, even when you’re a kid, regarding them in an alien-like way. But, soon, you will realize that you speak the same language as them. There is a big kid or an eternal adolescent that resides within your soul. On a certain level, you are meant to never fully grow up. 
Beginning Date End Date Sign of the the North Node Apr 23 1924 to Oct 26 1925 Leo Nov 22 1942 to May 11 1944 Leo Jun 11 1961 to Dec 23 1962 Leo Jan 06 1980 to Sep 24 1981 Leo Oct 21 1998 to Apr 09 2000 Leo May 10 2017 to Nov 06 2018 Leo

Sunday, May 26, 2019


Peeter Vähi tuletas mulle täna oma saates "Saladuslik Aafrika" meelde Albert Schweitzeri! Ja ma hakkasin mõtlema, et missugune inimene oleks minust saanud, kui Schweitzer, Vonnegut ja Asimov oleksid olnud olemata. Sellele ei oska vastata kahjuks. Ja eks ma olen ju ka palju muud lugenud. Aga võib-olla on väga oluline, kui lapsel või noorel on õiged autorid käepärast 


Kõigepealt nägin seda videot ja hakkasin kõva häälega naerma. Nimelt ma närin end parasjagu läbi Johannes Sloki raamatust "Kierkegaardi maailm. Uus teejuht geeniuse juurde", mis muidugi ei ole kaugeltki Kierkegaard ise (ja jumal tänatud!), kuid on ikkagi raske jägida, eriti just sealt maalt, kus K. jõuab religioosse elu juurde. Sestap ma tulingi netist otsima mõtteid ja arvamusi teemal Aabraham ja Iisak, lõputu resigneerumine /infinite resignation/ (mis võiks minu aju naudingukeskustele veel meeldivam sõnapaar olla?!) ja samal ajal igas hetkes (igal hetkel) IIsakiga rõõmsalt koos olemine.
Öösel hakkasin esimest korda asetama K. sõna Jumal asemele oma sõna Universum (mis ei ole täpsne kuskilt otsast, ma tean, see on lihtsalt nn. tööpealkiri  ) ja hakkasin nagu natuke pihta saama, aga ikkagi, mul on vaja seda experience´i ju (vist), kuid seda ei ole. Jumala-experience´i siis. No küll ma uurin veel seda asja.
Aga tahtsin soovitada teistelegi lihtsameelsetele filosoofiahuvilistele neid videoid, polegi üldse nii paha  kuigi võivad ilmselt olla ka eksitavad. Oh well. Nii ehk nii. Soovitan vist ikka.
Ja mulle ÕUDSELT meeldib see "usk absurdi jõul" (by virtue of the absurd), see on midagi, millest ma saan vist isegi aru.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

LINK (ei oska enam lisada eelmisele postitusele)


TÄNA SAIN PEAVÕIDU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Umbes üleeile peale üht väga ängistavat unenägu, mis ilmselgelt mulle midagi öelda püüdis, kuid mille sõnumit ma siiski täielikult ei mõistnud või ei soovinud endale ligi lasta, soovisin siiski omaette, et näeksin edaspidi unes silmiavavaid asju, mingeid võimalusi, kuidas oma mustasts august välja tulla. Soovisin seda väga pealiskaudselt, sest elu on õpetanud, et kui paned soovi taha suure jõu, olemata soovi siiski äärmise täpsusega väljendanud, siis võib asi väga-väga metsa minna ja sul ei pruugi olla isiklikku jõudu, et seda sealt taas välja keerata. Pooles vinnas soovimine on aga muidugi just see, mis ta on - pooles vinnas asi. Ja siiski! On mul pärast seda olnud just nimelt paar sellist poolsilmiavavat vestlust (kuigi mitte unenägusid) ja täna hommikul saabus JACKPOT!
See Maatriksi saade. See Amit Goswami. See kõik on hetkel nii värske, et ma pean enne tükk aega rahunema ja siis tükk aega lugema ja videoid vaatama jne., AGA - ma sain teada, et ma olengi pärselt kogu elu õigel teel olnud ja oma teooria õigesti kokku pannud OLENEMATA sellest, et ma ei jaga isegi lihtsat matti ja kvantfüüsika matemaatiline pool on mulle täiesti ligipääsmatu. Ma olen siiski kuidagi ligi pääsenud! Ma pean küll vist geenius olema  
Igal juhul on see sedavõrd põhjapanev teadmine, et nüüd ei ole kahju isegi ära surra! Ja muidugi oleks jube kahju ära surra, sest just nüüd läheb eriti põnevaks! Ohhhhh.....! Mida küll teha, mida küll teha... Veel silmiavavaid unenägusid, palun! 

Thursday, May 23, 2019

NÄLG (21.mai 2019)

Ma unistan tortidest, kookidest, kreemidest, kringlitest, vahukoorest ja jäätisest, juustudest, vorstidest, kartulipudrust ja hakklihakastmest, ühepajatoidust ja frikadellisupist, ahjukartulitest, hapukapsast ja seapraest, valgest ja punasest veinist, siidritest ja likööridest, pudingitest ja keeksidest... Mul on tunne, et kui see kõik mu ees laual oleks ühel hetkel, sellest ei oleks ikkagi küllalt. Ma ei saaks isu täis. 😢 




Taevase Rahu väljak... Minu pseudoajakoordinaadistikus toimus see sügaval nõukaajal, võib-olla näiteks 1968... Samuti, nagu ma elasin oma kõige pikema ja säravama eluperioodi aastatel 1978 - 1982. Ma ei saa kuidagi uskuda, et mingite realiteetide järgi on see ainult 4 aastat. 

All ministers from Austria's far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ) have resigned, throwing the government into chaos.
Itaalia armastab ikka veel vargsi Mussolinit ja uneleb Rooma impeeriumi aegades, mil nad vallutasid maid ja tsiviliseerisid rahvaid...
Salvini on samasugune oportunist. Ta valetas algselt põgenike arvu suuremaks, kui oli vaja, ja siis väiksemaks, et väita, et tänu temale on nüüd vähem. Tal ei ole ühtegi aadet, mille eest ta elu annaks.
Masha Gessen ja Putin.
Ukraina ja Gruusia.
Trump ja Huawei.
Miks kõik tehnoloogiad üritavad kuidagigi lõbustada lõbustamatut inimest? Miks luuakse üha "sobivamaid" äpp-kaaslasi ja inimnäolisi roboteid? Miks ei saada aru, et inimesel endal on midagi fundamentaalselt valesti? Miks ei pöörata ükskord ometi tähelepanu inimese kasvatamisele ja arendamisele?
Ma tean, miks. Aga teie?


Vaatasin täna eilset valimisdebatti ETVs ja kuidagi kurvaks tegi. Kõigepealt see meesterinne - Ansip, Helme, Terras - see oli nagu selline tuhmidest kividest koosnev müür. Selline tunne tekkis, et seal sees ajusid küll ei ole, on ainult suuorganid ja võib-olla mingid vanamoodsad kalkulaatorid. Terras jättis lausa kõige meeldivama mulje, ehkki see oli muidugi kõigest kostüüm.
Naised tundusid absoluutselt targemad ja säravamad, isiksused, selle sõna parimas tähenduses. Yana Toom on muidugi minu lemmik, isiksusena, ma arvan, et poliitikat kõrvale jättes me saaksime igasugu ilmaasjadest põnevusega vestelda küll.
Artur Talvik (ma ei saa üle ega ümber asjaolust, et ta ei tundu mulle usaldusväärne) oli meestest enim elus ja inimese moodi. Aga minu jaoks oli pettumus, kui ta võtmevastusena hüüatas: "Energia!" (ma ei mäleta küsimust, arvatavasti oli jutt EU majanduse elavdamisest või ka keskkonnakaitsest) ja kohe sealsamas tuli ära see fraas, mida ma jälestan - "inimeste tarbimisharjumused". Ma saan aru, et see väljendab ilmsesti erakonna seisukohta. Ma ei tea, kes seal erakonnas tooni annab, kas Talvik või Kangur või keegi teine. Aga ma ei oodanud, et selline fraas saab neil aluspõhi olla.
See on üldine vaade inimeste asjadele kapitalistlikus või "läänemaailmas". On inimeste (tarbimis)harjumused ja need on pühad. Nendest pühamaid asju ei ole olemas. Me oleme lihtsalt nii toredad ja kogu seda kaasnevat jama väärt. Ja muidugi on kapitalistidel neid harjumusi vaja, kuidas nad muidu nutsu kokku saaks ajada?
Nii et kui soovimiseks läheb, siis mul on peale selle trafaretse "et kõik võiksid õnnelikud olla" veel üks soov - et inimesed mõtleksid natuke nende asjade peale. Alguses. Siis mõtleksid juba rohkem ja siis võib-olla saaks sellest mõtlemisharjumus. Need kaks soovi ei olegi võib-olla erinevad soovid muide.


Nagu öeldud, on Roddenberry Star Trek NG mu absoluutne lemmiksari. Originaali pole mul juhust olnud näha, kuid NG´i olen naäinud 2 korda otsast lõpuni ja praegu vaatan kolmandat ringi. Ma ilmselt jääkski seda vaatama, sest midagi paremat pole (vist) tehtud ega tehta (arvestades suundumusi) niipea või mitte kunagi. 
Üks mu lemmikosi on "Tin Man", just praegu vaatasin. Lemmikosi on muidugi mitmeid, kuid see on selline "lootustandev". Et igaühe jaoks on kuskil keegi, nagu öeldakse. Ma ei mõtle seda romantilises kontekstis, nagu see vist öeldud on, kuigi ma üldse ei tauni romantilisi suhteid; kellele need sobivad - palju õnne! Minule ei sobi ja mingis mõttes samuti kui "Tin Man´i" tegelasele Tam Elbrunile ei sobi mulle vist inimesed üldiselt. Ma ei ole muidugi imelapsest telepaat, kuid mul on inimeste seas üsna sarnanae tunne nagu Tamil. Inimesed on rasked ja väsitavad. Välja arvatud väikesed lapsed (mis teemast kõrvale minnes tekitab küsimuse, et miks Tam Elbrun ei oleks võinud tegeleda laste või loomadega; Star Trekis on kahtlemata ka teisi sobivaid liike, Tam mainib Chandralasi. NB! Selliseid inimestest suuresti erinevaid liike käsitletakse NGs kahetsusväärselt vähe, põhjused ilmsed) rahulikus seisundis.
Nii et jah, selline Tin Man oleks Taeva kingitus tõepoolest  Üks asi on mul Tam Elbruniga veel ühine - me mõlemad armastame Data´t 
Miks ma seda kirjutan (ja muid sarnaseid tükke)? - Ma pean. Minu karma. Inimene on kuidagi nii loodud, et ta peab verbaalset auru välja laskma, muidu läheb mootor keema 


Ühes viimastest "Rohelise Vabariigi" saadetes rääkis filosoofiadoktor Oliver Laas hiirtest, kelle aju naudingukeskustese olid paigaldatud elektroodid, mida hiired said siis oma suva järgi stimuleerida. Hiired olevat end näljasurma nautinud.
See ei ole ehk sõnasõnalt faktitäpne, on aga täpne piisavalt ja põhimõtteliselt. /üks link allpool/
Siit küsimus: olukorras, kus maailm on ülerahvastatud ja tohutu hulk inimesi depressioonis või muude vaimsete häiretega, aga ka kaasaegse meditsisini poolt ravimatuks loetud füüsiliste haigustega, kas ei oleks õigustatud ja koguni soovitav, et inimestele, kes enam elada ei taha, antaks võimalus surra just sel kombel? Minu arvates on ebaeetiline seda võimalust mitte kasutada. Võib-olla on see kallis. Kindlasti suur osa inimesi loobuks oma maisest varast, et seda endale võimaldada. Ja muidugi on veel tavapärane eutanaasia. Ma ei pea surema mõnus, lihtsalt suurte piinadeta surm oleks ikkagi parem kui see elu.
Ja on antinatalism. Soovitan süveneda.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019


Ahsoo, ja ma panin siia küljele oma blogi listi selle blogijupatsi aadressi, mida ma vahepeal äärmiselt põgusalt pidasin. Ma kipun seda muidu ära unustama. A nimi on hea!

Seal on selline pilt:

Viimane kirjutis ei tundu isegi minu oma olevat. 


/tahaks, et see pilt oleks lõpus, aga ei oska enam panna/
Ma siin nüüd juba pikalt istun ja mõtlen omaenda isiku ja oma elu üle järele ja tagasi ja see on nagu sibula koorimine - kiht kihi järel tuleb maha ja nutma ajab. Piinlik on. See on niiväga imelik, kuidas sa võid elada ja elada kümneid aastaid ja mitte näha, mis tegelikult toimub! Küllap muidugi on targemaid ja teadlikumaid inimesi kui mina, nii et sellised ootamatud üllatused ei saa osaks mitte igaühele, see on tore, see annab lootust! Võib-olla saab kunagi ka minu üks elu olema selline selge ja mõtestatud! Võib-olla algab sealt lausa eesmärgistatud elude ahel!?
Mida head või kasulikku ma oma eluga teinud olen? Hehee. Sünnitanud kaks last ja nad enam-vähem normaalseteks kasvatanud või kasvada lasknud. Väike lootus on, et nad saavad paremini hakkama kui mina. Et siis ikkagi progress. Kuid kas inimeste juurdetootmine meie ülerahvastatud planeedile on ikka tegelikult heategu? Ei ole! 
Nii et jah. "Istuge, Kasu, 2, aga mulle meeldib, kuidas te mõtlete!"...... /klassijuhataja ja matemaatikaõps/

(FBs eile õhtul, 29.04.2019)
Eile, muide, esimest korda elus avastasin veel ühe huvitava asjaolu. Nimelt kõigepealt mõtlesin, et näe. mu poeg ostis meile selle suure uhke diivani ja mina lamasklen seda igapäevaselt vormist välja, ikka oma 15 tundi järjest iga päev. Tema ise ei kasutagi seda enam. Aga mida mina ise olen ostnud? Midagi suurt ja kasulikku? Lõpuks ähmaselt meenus, et vist siis, kui Kodu-Anttila kataloog Eestisse jõudis ja sealt sai järelmaksuga osta, ostsingi vist tütrele uue kušeti! Eelmine oli minu enda kušett lapsena olnud ja seal oli viimased aastad maganud ja surnud minu vanaema... Kus tehti ikka asju vanasti eh?! Ja siis millalgi Loitsu aegade lõpus ostsin mingi suure preemia eest endale jalgratta! Ja veel mingi jõulupreemia eest akvaariumi. Ja vist ongi kõik!
Raske kujutleda kohe! Mõned inimesed ostavad kortereid, maju ja autosid! :D :D :D Aga mina olen kogu oma elu elanud teiste asjadest, nagu mingi termiit. Vanavanemate eestiaegne mööbel - enamasti niivõrd hea kraam, et hiljem sai iga tüki veel eraldi kõva raha eest maha müüa! Maja, mille pärisin ja ka lõpuks maha müüsin... Selle raha eest sai juba kortereid, mööblit, elektripliite, pesumasinaid, külmkappe ja diivaneid... :P Aga mina ise ei panustanud midagi. Tunnen ennast nagu mingi terminaator. Keegi, kes sünnib rikkusse ja teeb sellest vaesuse. Kuid seegi on vist läbi ajaloo alati inimeste tüüpiline joon olnud. Üks põlvkond loob rikkuse, teine säilitab selle ja kolmas laristab maha. Siis jälle otsast peale. Oh well. Ma võin ikka lõputult vinguda selle hävitustöö juures...

(FBs täna, kommentaariks eelmisele)

Oh, muide! - PALJU ÕNNE MULLE! Haha. Mul on täna sünnipäev ja puha.

Monday, April 22, 2019

me, me, me, my, my, my

Minu meelest on väga tore, kui saab aega elu peale tagasi vaadata. Näiteks nendel inimestel, kes ootamatult surma saavad, nii palju ei vea. (Võib ka muidugi täiesti teistpidi vaadata.)

Ma olen nüüd omajagu aega tagasi vaadanud ja üha lühemaks muutub kirjeldus.
Ma sündisin raske karmaga. Sündisin reetmisse ja valesse. Mu bioloogiline ema reetis mind ja teine ema, kes mu endale võttis, valetas mulle, mis on tegelikult lihtsalt üks teine viis kedagi reeta.  50 aastat elasin vales, kõlab nagu muinasjutt. Mõtlesin kogu selle aja, et mis kurat mul viga on. Minu käsutuses olevad andmed viitasid, et viga on minus. Ma võtsin oma kuradima vales elatud elu vägagi tõsiselt.

Nüüd olen seitse aastat elanud tões. Ma usun, et seitse aastat on vähe viiekümnega võrreldes. Ma olen hullemini segaduses kui kunagi varem. Aga vähemalt on kõik tõsi, see on kergendus.

P.S. Eriline pidupäev saabub siis, kui ma suudan kõik selle enam-vähem ühte lausesse kokku võtta. Koos ideega.