Ego losses ***
Valid during many months: At this time in your life your relationships with others are likely to become confused and difficult. You may encounter persons who try to dissuade you from a course of action that you have been committed to for years, with the result that you become confused about the direction of your life. The other person's intentions in this may be either good or bad.
This is not a good time to become involved in any kind of contractual or business negotiations. Even if the people whom you are dealing with are completely honest - and with this influence they may very well be dishonest - you will find it difficult to think clearly about your own goals and objectives in the negotiations. As a result you will not get what you want from the procedure.
On the metaphysical plane there is a lesson to be learned from this influence. The less involved your ego is in a situation, the more freedom you will have to do what you want. By bringing about a loss, this influence often shows us that our attachment to material objects or to certain personal relationships has prevented us from being free. So it is not usually the influence itself that causes losses or confusion, but your ego's relentless drive to maintain the game it is playing. And this may be happening at your expense, when viewed from a higher perspective. When your ego takes over in this way, you set your priorities incorrectly, and you are not likely to be successful.
The strategy with this influence is to flow through it without any particular set plan of action nor any special objective. Simply treat this time as a learning experience. If a relationship doesn't work out, ask yourself why you got into it in the first place. If you attract dishonest people or if your dishonesty has brought you trouble, ask yourself what purpose this served in your life. Often you will discover that you were trying to protect something that really wasn't worth protecting.
Valid during many months: At this time in your life your relationships with others are likely to become confused and difficult. You may encounter persons who try to dissuade you from a course of action that you have been committed to for years, with the result that you become confused about the direction of your life. The other person's intentions in this may be either good or bad.
This is not a good time to become involved in any kind of contractual or business negotiations. Even if the people whom you are dealing with are completely honest - and with this influence they may very well be dishonest - you will find it difficult to think clearly about your own goals and objectives in the negotiations. As a result you will not get what you want from the procedure.
On the metaphysical plane there is a lesson to be learned from this influence. The less involved your ego is in a situation, the more freedom you will have to do what you want. By bringing about a loss, this influence often shows us that our attachment to material objects or to certain personal relationships has prevented us from being free. So it is not usually the influence itself that causes losses or confusion, but your ego's relentless drive to maintain the game it is playing. And this may be happening at your expense, when viewed from a higher perspective. When your ego takes over in this way, you set your priorities incorrectly, and you are not likely to be successful.
The strategy with this influence is to flow through it without any particular set plan of action nor any special objective. Simply treat this time as a learning experience. If a relationship doesn't work out, ask yourself why you got into it in the first place. If you attract dishonest people or if your dishonesty has brought you trouble, ask yourself what purpose this served in your life. Often you will discover that you were trying to protect something that really wasn't worth protecting.
This is all very true. Now how can I take no action for a YEAR while I´m expected to take almost any job offer they can find for me? Good question JD ;))
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