• Category 1: The Target
~ You Scored 13 out of 25
The questions in category 1 are all about testing if we know what we really want. Some key indicators include whether we could easily and fluently describe our goals in life, in addition, the steadfastness of our desire is a telling clue.
The score here indicates a need to put extra focus on your Target. Here's a handy checklist to use..
(i) Know What You Want:
It's an old adage that “if you don't know where are going, any road will get you there…"
In other words, until you become clear on what you want, you cannot be clear on how to get it. Here's a quick experiment to show the difference between knowing what you want and not. Try closing your eyes and mentally list everything in the room that's blue. Now open your eyes, look around and see how many things you missed. You didn't notice the blue objects before because you weren't deliberately looking for them. It's the same with your target, if you don't know exactly where you want to go, then you won't notice all the opportunities that could get you there.
Try writing down what you want. It is a deceptively difficult thing to do!
Going from the ‘general idea’ to the detail is tricky. One good approach is to keep fine tuning your goal until you're happy that it's exactly what you want. You can do this simply by writing down what you wish to achieve – including a timeline, then revisiting as often as is necessary to crystallize it into a very specific target statement. Statistically, those who write out their goals have a far higher success rate in achieving them than those who never write down their goals. It's worth observing that in the absence of clearly defined goals, our mental efforts are typically directed toward daily acts of trivia.
(ii) Align Your Subconscious:
Something you will notice as you do this ‘fine tuning’ process, is that you may get vague physical sensations – ranging from tense muscles, heavy shoulders, pressure in your chest, headache. Usually these sensations are only slight, but nonetheless are triggered by reading your target statement.
These are very real signs of Subconscious Blocks. In other words, somewhere deep down, you have reservations about achieving this target.
It’s very important to cleanse yourself of these subconscious blocks. In order to do this, you must first identify them. You can do this by reading slowly through your target and monitoring your subconscious feedback (physical sensations). Which parts of your target are triggering the response?
Perhaps the size of your target just seems unrealistic to your subconscious. Maybe you need to extend the timeline for achieving it.
Maybe you doubt deep down that you deserve to have what you want, even past failures and disappointments can all form blockages in your subconscious. By monitoring your subconscious feedback, you will keep on refining your target until your conscious and subconscious are aligned.
(iii) Be Driven:
Now you know what you want, and have dealt with your subconscious blocks, there’s one factor that stands out as the Big Difference between those who get what they want in life and those who fall short.
How Driven are you?
How Badly do you want it?
Many of us are afraid to really WANT something. We’re actually afraid that we won’t get it and so we reason that by reminding ourselves how much we want it will only make ourselves feel worse for not having it.
Not true.
If you are serious about achieving your goal, then you must not only think about it occasionally, you must remind yourself of it as often as possible. Whet your appetite by looking at pictures of it. Take time to think about it each day. Imagine it and feel the joy of having it.
Have you ever been to a restaurant where the dishes are all described in a way that makes your mouth water? Perhaps there are even pictures of food, looking tempting and delicious. All of this heightens your desire enormously.
Try doing the same thing with your target. So, for example, if it’s a car that you can’t afford right now, go ahead and take a test drive anyway, when you do so, take in the whole experience and relive it often in your mind. Keep a picture of the car somewhere prominent such as your screensaver.
Many of us have ‘passive goals’ in our lives. Something that would bring us wonderful pleasure and joy, but we don’t think we can have it, and so we push it from our minds. No wonder our hunger to achieve it gets subdued.
Instead of suppressing that desire, let it express itself. At first it might feel like you are needlessly enticing yourself with something you cannot see your way to having.
In reality, you are building your desire power within yourself to have this object.
The stronger your desire, the sooner it will manifest.
One thing is certain, if you focus on one target and fan the flames of your desire for it continuously, it will eventually come to you. Don’t be afraid to ratchet up your desire.
(iv) Be Steadfast:
If you have not yet achieved what you desire, take a moment to think about how steadfast or how consistent your wishes have been over time. For example, if you had written down a target statement one year ago, how would it compare to what you have written down today?
Obviously if it’s different only because you have achieved your target from a year ago and moved on to your new target, then that is good. However, if the two are different – but you have not achieved the earlier one, it’s worth understanding why.
(v) Be Persistent:
This is the factor that can seem most like ‘hard work’!
However, if you have figured out what you truly desire, aligned your subconscious and pumped up your desire for it, persistence should automatically kick in.
What this means is, your target is always on your radar. Every day, you persist in trying to bring it to you – and, should an opportunity come by that may help you get a step closer, you will grab it.
Persistence is all about not giving up when the first attempt fails, or even when the 100th attempt fails.
When you think about it, if all we needed to do was decide what we wanted and never take any kind of action, life would be pretty boring and unchallenging.
Persistence is something that brings the biggest rewards – not just the manifestation of your target, but the proving to yourself that you have the strength of character to make it happen.
Try measuring your own persistence. Are you persisting in doing at least one thing each day to manifest your desire?
It could be writing it down, meditating, running with an inspired idea, giving thanks for what you already have etc… It’s very easy to let our busy lives sidetrack us and channel our energy into day to day issues and distractions.
Persistence is simply deciding each morning not to get sidetracked.

• Category 2: Positive Mental Attitude
~ You Scored 17 out of 25
“There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. That little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.” (Robert Collier).
Your score in this category reflects a slight underlying degree of dissatisfaction with your current circumstances. We can often feel hard done by in this life. We can all, at times, feel let down that our relationships, careers or material possessions are not all we dreamed of. Perhaps we feel entitled to be dissatisfied with our lot?
But the real question is not whether we have all the trappings of external achievement – rather, it is whether we allow our happiness and contentment to be dependent upon them, because if it is, then we will never find lasting contentment. In other words, wealth can be lost, relationships can end – there are no guarantees and all those ‘props’ to our happiness can come tumbling down. What becomes of us then? Well that depends on where we have anchored our contentment. If it is in external things, then we are in line to experience loss and inconsolable despair many times in our lives.
But, there are some people who have developed core happiness. That core happiness is dependent on nothing. It’s there when we awake in the morning and last thing at night, it infuses our day’s activities and others around us can sense it. We can handle the worst that life can throw at us because our spirit is unbreakable. We have found inner peace and contentment. We all know someone who radiates that inner glow.
So, how do we find that contentment? How do we build that unshakable core happiness in ourselves?
For a start, we can decide not to feel bitter for the things we don’t have. Why is it that we as humans seem to feel entitled to good health, respect and love from others, money, possessions etc? Who says life owes us anything?
Reject the baseless ‘entitlement mindset’ – and instead practice an attitude of gratitude. If you are not appreciative and grateful for what life has given you already, you will not be given more.
Just think for a moment about the word gratitude and what it means to you. If it means consciously saying thanks for the good things in your life, then you’re half ways there. But to get all the way to heartfelt, loving gratitude and contentment, you need to take away the conditions. Does this mean you should be grateful for even the things that you don’t want? Yes. If you can evolve to the next level of gratitude, you will be ahead of the pack, because most will not get past this point. But imagine for a moment that life is just a game or an assignment that you’ve been chosen for. The objective is to come through as many tough situations as possible, picking up valuable ‘learning bonus points’ along the way. Just like a video game, if you gain enough points, then you move up to the next level (of awareness and joy). If you knew that after your life on earth had ended, you would be reviewing like a video replay all the key times in your life when you faced tough situations. Those times when you showed persistence and courage to keep going would bring you rewards and evolve you to a place of greater potential, would it change how you live now? Would it make you want to take charge in your life, steer your course with determination and intent rather than allow others to bother or affect you? Would it help you see problems as opportunities instead?
Remember that you are here for only a short time and everything you have is on loan from the universe – your body, your health, your family and friends…Everything.
Do you feel entitled or do you feel grateful?
Maybe you’re still thinking you don’t have a whole lot to be thankful for. But, can you honestly say that you are, right now, using all your unique talents to their full potential? Often, we can see and admire the talents and gifts which those around us have been bestowed with – but fail to see our own.
If you simply take notice of the fact that you have been granted (on loan for your lifetime) every skill and talent that you need to overcome life's obstacles, then it will transform you into a force to be reckoned with. Each new day will be lived out to its full potential. You will be fearlessly looking for challenges, knowing that when you overcome it, you will have picked up valuable bonus points in the game of life! You will feel grateful for all your victories, big and small. You’ll develop a thirst to grow, expand and better yourself.
Where others hesitate or question their ability, you will keep on. You will have removed the word ‘limits’ from your vocabulary!
Something strange will happen when you make that shift in perspective. It's a zest for life and a belief in yourself. What, previously were depressing obstacles will be reduced to transient circumstances. Even when the going gets tough, a part of you will relish the challenge and be thankful for the valuable lesson learned, because there is ALWAYS a lesson. You will start to feel a oneness with the universe (or God or whatever higher power you identify with) and a trust that whatever comes your way is ultimately sent to help you evolve. That something is true gratitude.
To understand true gratitude, just think of a time when perhaps a friend went out of their way and surprised you with their kindness toward you…. Remember how heartfelt your thanks was, you were overcome that they had treated you so well. You felt great to have someone like that on your side.
Well, once you become aware of what a friendly universe this really is, you will find yourself in that awestruck ‘gratitude mode’ all the time. Cool things will happen just for you – and the more you express that gratitude – even just with a silent acknowledgement giving an inner thank you ‘nod’ to the universe – the more the universe will pile on luck and abundance. Every aspect of your life will transform to an almost ridiculous extent. Coincidences will happen, ideas will come to you, job opportunities emerge, friends will help you, praise and thanks will come back to you.
All you need to do is take the opportunities, act on the universe’s urges, follow up on the ideas and notice the coincidences.
The question posed by Albert Einstein – and made famous again in the movie, The Secret was “Is this a friendly universe?”
Once you fall into step with the way the universe works, you’ll know beyond doubting that it is. The universe will be your ally and you will have found core happiness.
There is a saying that is often applied to those who miss the larger picture because they are too caught up in minor detail: “they could not see the wood for the trees.”
The trees are all those challenges that the universe throws at us to push us to learn and stand on our own two feet. Sometimes in our struggle to deal with life’s challenges, we lose trust in the workings of the universe. But think about how a parent will secretly let go of the bicycle that their child is riding and see the glee on their child’s face as they realize they’re peddling on their own. Yes, that glee is often followed by tears because they haven’t mastered the brakes. But the lesson is learned and the grazed knee is forgotten. We don’t wrap our kids in cotton wool, that’s because we love them but also want them to grow and develop their potential. Likewise, the universe doesn’t wrap us in cotton wool.
• Category 3: Faith and Inspired Action
~ You Scored 11 out of 25
This score highlights opportunities to increase your Faith and come to a greater understanding of Inspired Action.
In the bible we are told “Ask and You Shall Receive”.
We are also given some guidance on how we should behave in between the asking and the receiving. It seems there are two things we must do to bring us our hearts desires.
The first is to Believe. Have Faith that the universe can and will serve your needs.
The second is to use your ‘God-given’ talents to take inspired action.
Only then will you Receive.
Faith….what does it mean to ‘Have Faith’?
Robert Collier put it like this “Faith is the confidence, the assurance, the enforcing truth, the knowing.”
Think of a time when, for example, you’ve asked a reliable friend to pick you up because your car had broken down. You felt a sense of total trust and gratitude in advance that your friend would be there for you.
This is based on two beliefs in your mind – firstly that your friend is reliable, and secondly that your friend actually cares about your welfare and would never let you down.
When it comes to having Faith in the Law of Attraction, we are really talking about coming to that same realization, that the universe can be relied upon and never fails, and what’s more, that the universe actually cares.
So, how can we bring ourselves to that level of belief?
There are two effective ways to nourish your Faith.
The first is to build on your subconscious connection to the universe. Get in touch your own inner wisdom. You can do this simply through being still. If you are someone who meditates regularly, you already know the peace of mind it brings. Not only that, but when you meditate on a question or doubt, the answer will be given you. Often not there and then – but always – without exception – the answer will be presented to you. All that’s needed is to meditate with sincerity, then be open to suggestions, ideas that pop into your mind unexpectedly, dreams, conversations which may hold the answer…the ways in which the answers surface are as varied as the answers themselves.
So take the time to meditate and ask your inner guidance to help your faith by giving you signs that the Law of Attraction really exists.
You will be given the signs.
The second way to build your faith is to look at how perfectly the Law fits into natural law.
By now, the concept that everything is composed of vibrating particles is nothing new.
Don’t forget that this scientific fact captures all things - living creatures and inanimate objects, as well as sound, light, heat etc etc.
Therefore, if you analyze ANYTHING, you will find a bunch of vibrating subatomic particles at it’s essence.
So – everything vibrates…at a natural frequency.
Not only that, but by creating a vibration of a particular frequency, you can cause another one to begin. It’s called resonance.
Did you know that, factually, if you hum a perfect E, you can actually see the string on a guitar start to vibrate at the same frequency? The scenario where the woman sings a note and the wine glass shatters is based on the exact same resonance principle. Again everything – including a wineglass - has a vibration frequency or a rate of speed at which it’s sub-atomic particles are jumping around. If the wineglass' natural frequency is the same as the opera singer's voice (you can work out the natural frequency by tapping the glass) then the vibrations caused by the opera singer's voice will increase the strength of the particle vibrations and the glass will be unable to withstand the high energy jumping around of its particles and shatter.
So how does this help us understand the Law of Attraction?
Well, since everything has a natural frequency, this principle extends to our thoughts as well.
1. The nature of a thought (happy, angry, fearful, grateful etc..) determines it’s ‘natural frequency’. (In other words, a fearful thought has a very different ‘natural frequency’ to a thought of heartfelt gratitude).
2. The strength of feeling or emotion behind the thought determines how much affect it will have on the world around us.
3. And finally, continuous emission of one specific thought frequency, at a high level of strength will unavoidably kick off events around you that correspond to that frequency.
In fact, the truth of the Law of Attraction is expressed through every plane – scientific, intuitive, religious and all around us as physical proof. Soak it up in whatever way best builds your faith.
Inspired Action:
For many of us, it’s a cool idea, but how do we do it?
Let’s take a scenario where we want to attract $10,000 into our life.
Our current day job is not going to bring us that opportunity.
We are also not getting any inspired moneymaking ideas.
What’s going wrong?
Well, here’s a crazy idea….
Turn around your desire to receive $10,000 into your life – and instead decide you want to give of yourself something to the value of $10,000.
You’re not giving up your original target - just handing over to the universe, with total faith, to take care of while you shift your focus.
Now you have a new target. It may seem even harder than the first one, but wait. The purpose of turning it around is to make you think about what you have to GIVE.
Your talents.
Remember your target is now to give of your talent to the value of $10,000 – without asking anything in return.
Where to start?
Maybe you are good at organizing. It’s not part of your job, but you are able to see opportunities in work to make improvements, so you suggest a new system that would make your office run more efficiently and reduce waste. Make that suggestion, impress your boss. It could save your company a lot of money. You have just given something of value, without condition. After all, your goal was just to give.
Maybe you’re a good listener. How much is it worth to an elderly neighbor living alone to have you drop by with a hot meal and stay to chat. Let them reminisce and laugh with you.
What is it worth to dig out your old oil paints and canvas and throw your heart and soul into painting a picture. It might never sell in a gallery, but you have used your talent and created something of beauty that never existed before.
The universe is pleased that you are not ignoring what you have been given.
There are no conditions around what you do and it doesn’t need to directly benefit another – it’s really about exercising your talent – whatever that may be.
The act of using your talent shows awareness and gratitude for having it.
Maybe you are a good writer, but don’t feel you have what it takes to be published. Don’t let that stop you – write anyway. Use that talent.
Give of yourself something worth that $10,000…an idea, a painting, an ear to listen, a poem or novel. Make a pact with the universe that you will use your talent.
Then just see what happens to your original desire to attract $10,000 to you. Of course you still want it. It is still your personal desire, but taking inspired action has set the universe in motion.
It’s like pushing a swing. If you don’t push at all, it just sits there. If you push a little, it swings back to you, if you push harder, it swings back to you with even greater momentum.
What you sow you reap.
Your $10,000 might come directly from what you have given – or very often from an entirely different source.
(Only you will be able to make the connection.)
People often feel like there is a ‘now what?’ gap in between asking for what you want and receiving it. Inspired Action is what closes that gap.
Open yourself up to take inspired action, you will know when you are taking it because it will be a labor of love, you will be flowing with your talents. The inspired action may not lead straight to your goal – but it will always be a stepping stone.
It is better to light one candle than curse the darkness.
Even if you think you have very little to give, give it anyway. / I just LOVE this idea!!! I have always thought that I have so little to give that why bother... WOW! Can it be different??!/
The very moment you decide to try this out, is the same moment that you will feel the love and strength of the universe at your side, urging you on and inspiring your actions.
“Take the first step. You don't have to see the whole staircase to take the first step.”
~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
• Category 4: Thought Control
~ You Scored 7 out of 25
“Thoughts lead on to purposes; purposes go forth in action; actions form habits; habits decide character; and character fixes our destiny.” Tyron Edwards.
For many of us, the message that what we think about, we bring about or that we can manifest anything we desire just by the power of thought can be a little unbelievable. It might appear to work for others, but too often we just don’t see it happening in our own lives. The new car, the big house and the cash windfalls can be maddeningly hard to attract. It would appear to be the case only the lucky few have intuitively aligned themselves perfectly with the Law of Attraction. After all, the only difference between you and say, a self-made millionaire is in how you each apply your thoughts to the objects you desire. Countless successful business people and entrepreneurs started in life with no external advantages over their peers. In fact many came from what is often termed disadvantaged backgrounds.
Therefore, we have to accept that success in achieving one’s goals in life is primarily a question of what is going on inside our heads.
Our thoughts are the only differentiating factor.
We may bemoan our restrictions and lack of opportunity. But let’s take the successful entrepreneur, strip him of his wealth and place him in exactly your circumstances. Will he sit around feeling sorry for himself? Or will he brush himself down and become a success yet again?
There are no reasons – just excuses.
As Robert Collier succinctly put it: “If you don't make things happen, then things will happen to you.”
So, how do we use our thoughts in a controlled way to manifest our desires?
The first step is to run a quick brain scan on your day-to-day thought profile.
What sort of thoughts do you allow to occupy most headspace?
Worry, regret, annoyance, dwelling in the past, resentment, bitterness, revenge etc etc… all of us entertain some of these non-useful thoughts from time to time.
However, if, any of these have taken long term residence in your mind, then they are taking up valuable headspace and preventing you from using the power of your thoughts effectively.
Of course there are often powerful emotional drivers behind these thoughts and they may be hard to shift.
But, the first step is to honestly assess how much time you give over to non-useful thoughts.
If it is a significant amount of your thought power, then taking steps to address that will be hugely beneficial for you. Remember, only you can control your thoughts. The first step is AWARENESS, the second is CONTROL.
So, what is meant by control, what should you be thinking?
The golden rule is to think always of the solution – never the problem.
Bon Proctor said in the movie, The Secret "Most people have a goal of getting out of debt. That will keep you in debt forever....I don't care if it's get out or get in, if you’re thinking debt you’re attracting debt.”
Going back to the list of negative thoughts above, all of these thoughts can be turned on their head if you are determined to do so. It may involve forgiveness, letting go, rising above a person or situation, maybe making the first move to reconcile, or just acceptance of a person or situation.
Take whatever is causing you most negativity in your head, meditate on how you might improve that situation. If you must think about this negative thing, steer your thoughts away from dwelling unproductively, instead focus on a positive outcome.
It’s not always an easy task. But, the key is to make sure that you are in the driver’s seat and not allowing someone else to drive you mentally where you really do not want to go.
Why is all of this so important in using the law of Attraction?
Here’s why.
Our thought patterns – over time – become ingrained habits.
A habit is what develops when the conscious decision to think a specific thought gets bypassed. We are designed such that conscious decisions are only needed at first – before our subconscious sees the pattern and continues it effortlessly for us – thereby enabling our conscious minds to focus on other thoughts.
The simplest example of this ‘handover’ from conscious to subconscious is when we were learning to walk. At first, our movements were forced consciously, we had to remember to put one foot ahead of the other, while keeping our balance and looking straight ahead. It took us months to get it right, but once learned through repetition, the pattern for walking became hard wired into our subconscious. Now, we can walk and not have to ‘think about it’….except perhaps after one or two drinks too many!
That same handover from conscious to subconscious happens whenever we persist in a particular thought. Eventually, that thought becomes hard wired into our subconscious. The result is that we fall into a daily habit of, for example, worrying about our finances or feeling ongoing resentment towards some circumstance in our lives. As an extreme example, we might be seeing some one in work every day who automatically triggers negative feelings.
In that kind of example, just becoming aware of the cycle is the first step to breaking it.
Otherwise, our lives can be at the mercy of feelings that we don’t consciously control, tossing us from worry to anger to sadness to regret, while we feel powerless to change.
“Any act often repeated soon forms a habit; and habit allowed, steadily gains in strength. At first it may be but as the spider's web, easily broken through, but if not resisted it soon binds us with chains of steel.”
Tyron Edwards.
But habits aren’t all bad.
In essence, the Law of Attraction is all about training ourselves to form beneficial thought habits and discard the non-useful ones.
We do this through consciously thinking about a positive outcome.
When we persist in doing this, allowing no negativity or doubt to creep in, the subconscious eventually hard wires it.
This is the tipping point.
When a vision is formed in our mind repetitively, it becomes ‘real’ to our subconscious.
This inner reality must then manifest in the outer world.
That is the Power of the Subconscious. All our external ‘realities’ must first develop as internal realities in our subconscious.
This is the mechanics of the Law of Attraction.
There are three cards in the Tarot which provide wonderful imagery for the Law of Attraction. They are in fact the first three cards in the pack, the Fool, the Magician and the High Priestess.
The backdrop story accompanying the Tarot Major Arcana deck is known as ‘The Fool’s Journey’ and is meant to loosely parallel our own journey through life. The Fool stands for each of us as we begin our journey. Of course, the Fool is only a Fool because he has not yet learned the workings of the world. He is depicted on Card 0 stepping innocently into the great unknown with his head held high. He is ready to embrace whatever comes his way, but he is also oblivious to the cliff edge he is about to cross. He has yet to learn the Universal Truths of his world. The Fool is ‘unrealized potential’.
Upon starting his journey, the first two characters he encounters are the Magician (card 1) and the High Priestess(card 2). These two can be seen to represent the polarities of male/female, positive/negative or conscious/subconscious.
The Magician is our conscious awareness. What is a magician? A magician is one who, with the strength of his word, manifests and manipulates the physical world. The Magician is capable of changing his world through concentrated thought. He symbolizes the power to draw on universal laws and use them for creative purposes. He is depicted in a powerful stance. With one arm extended up into the Divine for inspiration, the other pointing toward Earth to ground its potent energy, he acts as a lightening rod. The sign of infinity above the Magicians head indicates the infinite creative powers of the conscious mind. His abilities appear magical at times because his focused intent helps him achieve what seem to be miracles. He is one who has learned to harness the Law of Attraction and make his desires appear before him.
The High Priestess is the female, receptive side. She is the unseen ethereal form of which we are all a part through our subconscious minds. It is here the seeds of thought are planted. She provides the fertile ground to grow the seed into fruition – bursting forth into reality in the conscious world of perception.
Our journey through life presents us with ample information and clues to the working of universal laws. In today's age of TV, books and internet, the wisdom has never been more accessable. The Magician represents one who has learned to harness the power of his conscious thought. His actions only seem to be Magic.
• Category 5: Tools and Techniques
~ You Scored 7 out of 25
Your score shows that you are not taking full advantage of the powerful tools and techniques available to you. These are powerful tools such as Visualization, Meditation and Affirmations. If you don't practice at least one of these techniques regularly, then you are depriving yourself of wonderful aids to using the law of Attraction successfully in your life. All of these techniques have been proven to yield results. They are not in the domain of mumbo jumbo new age beliefs but are in fact recognized by mainstream experts for their beneficial properties.
Despite being aware of their uses, many of us still don't feel comfortable with meditation, affirmations etc..or even know where to start. Well, the good news is that there is a wealth of helpful information out there designed to guide the beginner and help you find what works for you.
Of all the techniques and tools available, by far the most important is meditation. There are so many ways to meditate – just let yourself be guided by what feels natural.
If you struggle with the faith aspect of using the Law of Attraction, then you will particularly benefit from Meditation as a first step.
Look within for guidance. Are you unsure of what you need to be doing or wondering why nothing is happening despite having set your goals and doing a good job of thinking about them?
Then take a quiet time, sit comfortably, forget the candles, incense, music etc. Simple mediation just requires that you slow down enough to hear your inner thoughts. Do this, ask the questions and prepare to be pleasantly surprised when the answers come to you.
If you're struggling to find time to meditate then consider possibilities such as getting up earlier in the mornings or taking advantage of a quiet house to slip home during lunch break
Whatever you can do to allow yourself time to meditate on a daily basis will pay off in your life.
When it comes to affirmations, the most common method is to state aloud a positive statement related to your own ability and talent. It might be something similar to “I am strong, calm and capable.”
It’s generally best to keep affirmations short and concise, otherwise your mind will literally wander while you’re saying it. If you already have an affirmation that you’re comfortable with, then keep using it.
The power of affirmations is directly related to your own approach to using them. So, if you really don’t feel comfortable stating affirmations, it’s unlikely that you are getting any real benefit.
However, if this is the case for you, then here’s an approach worth considering.
You can choose to use the most fundamental affirmation of all. That way you save yourself the problem of composing one yourself. This particular affirmation is what is behind every other affirmation. The words are very simple, yet if you look at them for long enough or try saying them (either aloud or to yourself), very soon you will see the mighty power behind their apparent simplicity.
The words of the affirmation are: “I will be what I will to be.”
Why is it so powerful?
Every affirmation can be broken down into a statement of belief in our ability to make our life better though the power of intent or Will.
The essence of the entire universe is the "I", and this "I" has only one attribute: WILL.
I will be whatever I will to be.
Therefore: “I” plus “Will” equals “Existence”.
Each of us has the absolute power to create our existence of tomorrow by exerting our Will today. Yet, strangely, very few of us have learned to use that power in a deliberate and focused way.
"I" plus will equals existence, and that existence becomes your future "I”.
That "I" is placed into the will and the result is placed into the will and so forth. Your output of today becomes your input for tomorrow. What you eat today becomes your source of energy for tomorrow. You today coupled with the decisions which you make using your free will becomes your destiny. And in that destiny you then couple your situation with your free will to create your new destiny….and the cycle continues.
This is how the universe works.
No one is responsible for you but yourself. And no one can make decisions for you but yourself. This means that you must learn to exert your own will. You are the only one who can lose weight. You are the only who can make you happy. You are the only one who can fulfill your dreams.
And you can express this in a hundred thousand different ways. But it all boils down to the same thing, you will be what you WILL to be.
If you can make this affirmation a part of your inner belief system, through repetition and persistence, you will have mastered the Law of Attraction.
Before coming to visualization, here is another technique that doesn’t often get talked about. Probably because it is so incredibly simple, it’s hard to believe that it could really work.
But try it!
The technique is as follows:
Write down your intent on a piece of card - (something the size of a business card works well).
State a clear intent – such as I want to have a (specific car / job / house / etc..).
Just that one statement - handwritten on your card.
Then, place the card in your wallet so you carry it wherever you go.
That’s it.
Onto Visualization.
This is possibly the technique most often mentioned in the same sentence as the Law of Attraction.
The reason is that everything that comes into manifestation must go through the cycle of Idealization, Visualization and finally Materialization.
We form many ideas in our minds that never come to fruition because we haven’t visualized the end result. The term Visualization is generally taken to mean not only forming a picture in your mind, but also imagining the feelings associated with the picture, as well as where possible, the other sensations such as smell, taste, touch, hearing and sound. The more rounded the visualization, the more powerful it will be for you.
There are two great reasons to practice Visualization. The first is that it overwrites negative images in your mind with positive and happy images. Secondly, it plants the seeds to bring the visualized image into your life.
Some of us are naturally very strong on visualization, others are not so inclined. However, it is something that improves drastically with practice.

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