Thursday, October 15, 2009


Lapselaps on väga salapärane olevus. Samas võiks kergesti ja kõhklemata ta eest oma elu ära anda :)


"Leave the seeing in the seeing. Leave the hearing in the hearing."

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Profession and social standing
Valid during several weeks: This is a time when you should turn your attention to the most outward aspects of your life - your career, your role in the larger society and your standing and reputation within the community. You should also take this time to examine your life as a whole and see if you are going in the direction you want and making adequate progress in your life. This transit is future oriented rather than past oriented. You may have to deal with elements of your past, but only to make corrections so that you can plan more intelligently for the future. The only real danger of this transit is that if you have done something wrong or in a slipshod fashion it may be exposed now and trip you up in unpleasant ways. It would be a very good idea to look over your life and correct any situations that might give you problems in this way.

The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:Sun in the 10th House, 10, activity period from 27 September 2009 until end of October 2009

Just täpselt! Naljakas, kuidas astroloogia ikkagi näib toimivat. Mis puudutab oma elu suuna eksamineerimist, siis seda ma just teengi ja imestan pidevalt, kuidas ma kuidagi ei jõu ühessegi suunda, kuhu olen tahtnud jõuda. Ma tean, miks. Mitmesse suunda samaaegselt ei saa ju minna, samas võtab püüdlemine kõvasti energiat. Segadus võtab samuti hullusti energiat. Mul on umbes 5 erinevat suunda ja ma muudkui heitlen nende vahel. Samas, ma vähemalt üritan püsida ühes üldises suunas ja see on enda paremaks muutmine. Vahel on ka tagasilööke ja langusi ja vaikuseperioode, aga ma saan sellest üle.


Kristin possesses a clear, strong and objective mind, and is on her way toward developing into a person who will always favour reason over chaos and harmony over emotional turmoil. Mental acumen is apparent in her rapid grasp of concepts, her obvious pleasure in communicating [...]

[..] Kristin also has a profound sense of what is fair and right, and will not hesitate to make her views and feelings known if she senses injustice taking place around her. She might organise other children to challenge the class bully, or might protest to the teacher about [...]

[..] She would benefit from early exposure to beauty in the form of nature and the arts, especially painting and ballet. Even if she is not old enough to absorb the intellectual content of such things she will readily respond to their beauty. Coarseness ­ in surroundings or [...]

[..] She may also allow others to invade her boundaries and take advantage of her good nature because she prefers any company to no company at all, and she may not be able to say "No" even when her well-being depends on it. Her lively and gifted mind needs time for reflection [...]

[..] But those who can make her laugh and can share her spirit of curiosity about life will always keep her affection. Above all, words matter to Kristin, and a good flow of communication ­ however "frivolous" or "silly" ­ is absolutely essential for her in any important relationship. Versatile, [...]

[..] This can provide her with a sound and healthy emotional base of self-knowledge, so that she can move out into life with genuine tolerance of and compassion for the whole spectrum of human emotion. Kristin is deeply attuned to her mother's hidden emotional life, and may sense [...]

The Child's HoroscopeFree Try-Out Editionfor Kristin Tehvan, born on 5 May 1962
Text by Liz Greene, Copyright © Astrodienst AG 2009

Sounds like me, ma olen ikkagi lapseks jäänud :P